Sully is to OP!

Sully is insanely op he needs a nerf I don’t have sully yet and I can beat everyone in my arena except people who use sully and my power is 7,000 and there’s is 4,000 but they have sully and they beat me it is super unfair.

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Even though its why I want Sully, I can agree that he needs to be nerfed a bit. Either with his self healing ability or create a new character that does nothing but debuffs

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I’m afraid to nerf him, he maybe have huge HP and great healing thing but his defense is quite poor :frowning:

He’s really strong but I’m sure they will come out with heroes that reduce healing. He’s not very good against burst damage compositions. He’s also not good with Jessie who is also very strong, because she walks out in front of him and either gets targetted first or frozen by her counterpick - frozone. It’s very hard to balance a game like this and they can’t knee-jerk a nerf or else it may upset the balance even more! If they were to nerf Sulley, you’d likely only see Mr. Incredible (who you’ll see much more of later)

Edit: btw what lineup are you using? And are they skilled up? :slight_smile:

Sully is fine, man up and strengthen your heroes.

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Nope, he’s not fine and needs a nerf. It’s simply proven by the fact that 90% of people after bronze 4 only plays him as tank. Its like 10 ralph for 90 sully. Its so obvious that he’s better, not unkillable sure, but way, way better than Ralph. So something has to be done. Either way why would you create 4 or 5 tank and just making one so OP than it doesn’t worth picking someone else ? It has to be a synergy or a gameplay choice, not a MUST HAVE

If you have a healer and have more power you’ll win… he’s ok. Go against anyone with a healer when you have none and you’re at a disadvantage and comparing power scores isn’t gonna be accurate.

Sully is definitely overpowered. I regret so much not picking him at start. I don’t even try to face people that use him in Arena since it’s a sure loss.

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