Sunflower is Midline support hero
Sunflower’s idle animation:
Entrance: sunflower pops out from the ground
Ko:Sunflower gets sad
Victory: she laughs
White move:SUN BURST
Sunflower makes a sun healing her team by xxx
Green move:WALNUT
Sunflower gives everyone a walnut for eight seconds. Once 8 seconds is done the walnuts explode
Blue move:PLANT FOOD
Sunflower makes a bunch a suns giving the team XXX power
Purple move:SOLOR BEAM
Sunflower shoots a beam at their weakest ally giving them full health. This has a chance to fail against an ally that is above sunflower’s level
Sunflower and Peashooter
Friend disc name:
Our garden
Disc boost:
SUN BURST steals XXX power from the enemies
Friend campaign story:
Peashooter challenged sunflower on who can ko the most creeps but, they didn’t realize that there was so many of them. Can stop them all.
Friend campaign ally’s:
Alice, Olaf, woody