Surge...again. does PB ever finally think people will notice and to stop screwing up surge!?

Today in surge I used all 11 raids on area 1 as I find it pays more each time but Today the level of gold it pays me only reached 15, so I’m not even getting 100% of the gold I EARNED

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Are you saying that you didn’t get the 3.9B that the game shows you’ve earned so far during Surge? Or are you saying that raiding district 1 eleven times should have earned more points in order to drive the end-of-surge multiplier up past level 15 and 101%?


No, I’m saying getting past level 15 for the amount of gold I’m getting should be easier, like getting to level 100 as I can sometimes easily do, and this doesn’t just screw me up, it screws up my guild members too

Based on what I’ve observed (mostly from a couple of secondary accounts I’ve run through various low-level guilds), the number of points it takes to advance the multiplier level is based on the guild’s total power (or team power, maybe?), and the power of the various districts depends on the range of power of guild members. If a guild has a few high-power members but mostly mid- to low-power members, it’ll take only a few of the strongest guild districts to speed the multiplier level to 100; if the guild is mostly high- to upper-middle-power members with only a handful of weaker ones, it’ll take a lot more work to advance the multiplier.

If you’re able to raise your multiplier level to 100 with just a dozen or so raids, and your guild is mostly made of players at least vaguely close to your power (say, more than 10% of it), that’s a combination I have no experience with. Maybe @The_Real_Numi could shed more light on your multiplier level discrepancies in that case.


@Dustin_JC based on my observations usually having around 10-15 guildmates at 440 or near and the others at like less than level 220 makes the surge easier.

However, above 15 at TL 440 makes the surge rather unpredictable.


Thanks much

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