Surge compensation

I had the same issue as well even I don’t have the picture.

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We may have found the reason why, and we’ll work on getting a second comp list up. I’m sorry for all the mix ups! Surge has been quite a hydra of problems this past week :cry:


Welp, the “old code” fights back.

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Sometimes that happens with code; hopefully this is the end of this particular issue. I did have one more guildmate in The Mad Hatters who got the same response from support, so I want to make sure they’re also covered by this second comp list:
For the surge that started on the 14th:

For the surge that started on the 15th:

Sorry to be a bother about this, but I tend to get more involved in issues that impact my guildmates than ones that impact only me.

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@TheGrillFather this sort of thing is exactly why most of us here prefer to report bugs and issues directly on the forum for you to see - it’s just a roundabout headache every time trying to explain anything in a support ticket and we don’t get anywhere.

Art replied to this that they had indeed won battles, as evidenced by the supplied screenshots, and got almost the exact same reply that they hadn’t been victorious - when clearly they have -

I replied to mine that I had indeed participated and won battles, also as evidenced by the screenshot, and… well, it was promptly ignored and my ticket closed.

I understand that getting the support agents all on the same page with what’s actually going on might not be instant, but we should be able to expect well-informed and accurate responses that make sense.

We just never do, which is why (myself included) we just report stuff here directly, or we have 0 confidence in it ever being solved or getting anywhere at all with it beyond that 1 support agent, and just experience further frustration.


Thanks for continuing to look into this - alright, the gold isn’t the be all & end all, but out of principle I’d just like to know I’ve received my due earnings :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry about the frustration! Support tickets are still super helpful for us to keep track of users; we run into a lot of issues daily and tickets keep us updated and informed in severity and affected players.

Quick update on this: we’ve narrowed down why a whole bunch of players were not able to receive comp, and we’ll send them over tomorrow. Thanks for your patience!


Second round of comps should appear in your mailbox! (for the second batch who did not receive anything the first time)

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Is it still rolling out?

Nope, they should all have gone out already.

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Ah, then I’ve not received it on either account still :frowning:

I still feel like only one day was compensated, but not the other. :man_shrugging: But maybe it´s just me.

I did ask via Support ticket if a more detailed data insight can be given.

This is so strange :upside_down_face: I will ask the team again.


We’re not sure what happened, but we’re unable to track down the data. At this point, we’ll do a final comp for anyone who submits a ticket with a base gold amount and diamonds. I truly do apologize for the frustration this has caused everyone. So if you are still missing surge compensation, please submit a ticket and our CS team will comp you the generic amount gathered from the average comped data.


Huh? I mean I got 38.66B from the comp but I am fairly certain that was a comp for one of the two days, not both. Unless… the % used was lower.

I see, sorry, I thought you had the same issue as above! Yes, we could not track down each individual multiplier, so we used an average multiplier across all comped amounts.


I had same problem back with the nightmare trials! The game glitched cheating me out of a battle! Sent a ticket and what the provided from the logs was clearly impossible showing that I had completed 2 battles at the exact same second! @TheGrillFather I even explained that this was impossible to do ! Then the support continued to close the ticket! I sent an email to the email on the PB website and still have no response! Said email had screenshots of the whole conversation! This frustrates me to no end as I spent my hard earned money to reset the trials and I got scammed. Is this how you guys want your player base treated?! Because is terrible! Same person that @Pipsqueak had!

I just saw that I got a reply to my ticket saying that I am ineligible for compensation even though I sent in screenshots showing that I participated. I’m frustrated and confused by the response that I claims I “wasn’t victorious in my battles” when I had screenshots showing that I cleared districts

thanks, I did this but my ticket was closed again.

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I got this, which is accurate other than that we also got 0% bonus for the Surge beginning the 14th, which I did participate in :roll_eyes:

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Based on this reply, it appears Support is unaware of the fact that some guilds were missing bonus gold for two days, the 14th and the 15th, rather than just one. (And yes, some guilds were missing gold just for the 15th; I saw both happening.)

@TheGrillFather, did the team working on this issue realize that some guilds were affected on the 14th as well as the 15th? Was that information passed along to Support? There was a breakdown in communication somewhere along the way, and I think it would help both Support and players to figure out what caused it and how to prevent it in the future.

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