My guild had requested that I change the difficulty to easy in surge for a few minutes since some of the members apart of it aren’t advanced enough (or whatever it’s called) for the current difficulty we had it on. I changed it to easy for a little bit but under an hour since I had said that I’d only change the difficulty for so long. I tried changing it back to medium but it wouldn’t let me. When I clicked hard it worked though. I restarted my phone and reloaded the game a couple times but that didn’t do anything. I was wondering if anyone had some insight on what could be wrong or if this is just another bug that needs to be fixed.
I wasn’t aware that the difficulty of the surge can be changed like that.
My understanding was that you can change it to whichever difficulty you like but once the surge starts then the difficulty is locked in to whatever it was set as at the point of launching.
I could be wrong, but I really don’t think that I am.
This isn’t a bug. The difficulty can’t change in the middle of the Surge. You can only change it while the Surge is over
Plus, changing the difficulty setting doesn’t really change the actual difficulty of the fights.
What it does is increase the amount of fights required to complete it. It is true that the fights get harder as the surge progresses (fights in wave 1 are much easier than those in wave 10) so allowing it to continue up to 20 waves will make it harder.
But if your guild members are finding the fights too hard then they need to attack earlier in the day and make sure they are attacking the easier zones (the higher the zone number, the easier the fight. Zone 1 is always the hardest, zone 27 is the easiest).
The surge is still going at the moment. I had changed it during the middle of it. This isn’t the first time I’ve changed the surge difficulty during the middle of one before and changed it back. Before it worked and now it won’t.
These two screen shots are from right now. It says that the difficulty is currently easy but if click on ‘easy’ to change the difficulty it says that I’m currently on medium.
You can change the setting while the surge is running but it won’t actually do anything. Effectively what you are doing is setting the difficulty for the next surge, before it starts.
Okay. Thanks @Lord_Skellington. Hopefully that’s what happened. I know lately I’ve caught a few bugs in the game and was wondering if that had been one at first.
Kind of what I said but okay
That’s not quite true. Lowering the difficulty does make every fight a tad easier. It’s not a drastic change, but it may be enough for some really low level players.