Surge - some questions

With the latest round of hero balancing I’m having quite a bit difficulty in effectively clearing enough districts to keep enough gold coming in. So I’d like to ask a couple questions and see how people are having success and get some recommendations.

As the in-game strategy states, less is more in surge, but nowadays I’m finding I typically need a minimum of three heros fielded per district, often four. This is cutting rather heavily into my ability to clear numerous higher districts, particularly because I’m often underestimating patched heros. I fought one a little bit ago with two heros and over 450m power to my advantage, and lost badly. I finally raided it after losing twice.
Is three heros generally about average for most people currently when fighting higher districts?

OP hero kits - Eda and Dante in particular continue to be a nuisance when multiple districts have them, especially as they’re patched. I usually raid any district they’re in to not take the risk - is that generally preferable?

Also, is there any sort of best strategy for getting the most out of current surge? I hate how many heros I keep wasting by underestimating patch power buffs, and if there’s a way to help reduce that I’d like to know!

Thanks for the help!


If you get lucky and do higher up rounds and 1 of said rounds 1 day has the underminer.

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