Tae Young Turning Red Hero Concept

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"dove babysitting noises"

Role: Support
Position: Back
Team: Red
Entrance: He flies on a flock of doves and they drop him on the battlefield.
Victory: Doves fly around him.
Defeat: A dove bites his finger.

Basic attack: Taeyoung sends a dove to attack an enemy.


White skill (Dove barrier)
Taeyoung calls 5 doves to heal by X and cleanses hiself and all his allies.

Green skill (Charming Doves)
2 Doves comfort Taeyoung cleansing him and charming enemies for X seconds. This encourages allies and gives them X% movement and attack speed.

The charm has a chance to fail on enemies above level X.

Blue skill (Dove pose)
Taeyoung poses at allies, cleansing, and increases attack speed, reality, armor, and skill power by X% for allies. This skill also heals allies and Taeyoung by X.

Purple skill (Caring Doves)
Whenever Taeyoung is KO’d, dozens of doves comfort him which resurrects him. He also gains skill power by X.

Red skill (Fostering Doves)
The doves now prevent Taeyoung and allies from getting disables for X seconds of the round.

Buffs last longer on allies whenever “Dove barrier” is used.

+X skill power
+X armor
+X Max hp

Meilin lee (4Townie)
+X Max HP
+X Skill power to support role allies
+X Reality
+X Armor
Taeyoungs basic attack now charms the enemy
for X seconds.

Snow White (Bewildering Care)
+X Max HP
+Armor to control role enemies
+X skill power
At the start of each wave, enemies are silenced for X seconds.

You forgot Star rank


Wow! I like it!

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