TF2 Concept. The Medic


Medic is a :rescue_worker_helmet::rescue_worker_helmet::rescue_worker_helmet: Support Class
“auf Wiedersehen!”
The Medic might be mad but he is willing to do anything to help he team so…they don’t really mind
Basic Attack:See White Skill
White Skill:Ubercharge
Passive:At the start of the battle medic must pick a target to heal but can switch immediately at will or on auto to the lowest health target healing them for X damage per second also gaining 1% of his Ubercharge per second of healing
Active:Medic depletes his Ubercharge meter and then is able to choose the target he wants to give the Ubercharge to. On auto Medic chooses the ally that the game will calculate to see who will do the best at the moment. When Medic uses Ubercharge. He and the target he gave the buff to are unable to be damaged and gain a 50% attack speed buff. This buff expires after 8 seconds.

Green Skill: Ubersaw
Medic goes in to the frontline and stabs an opponent with his Ubersaw dealing X damage and then gains 10% of his Meter before retreating back

Blue Skill: Crusader’s Crossbow
Medic uses his Crusaders Crossbow and hits the character with the most basic damage. If it’s an enemy they are dealt X damage and if it’s an ally they are healed X damage.

Purple Skill: Lost my License
Whenever Medic or his target take no damage for X seconds. They heal X health overtime. This healing increases to 3x as much healing to their max health.
No friendships except for one with Heavy but it’s for Heavy and not Medic.

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I’m going to guess you pressed post a bit too early?

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Yeah yeah I did :sweat_smile:

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Sorry about that.

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No it’s fine, it was actually quite funny

Lol well I do love giving others a good laugh so I’ll take it

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MEDIC help me!!!

So who do you guys want next?

  • Soldier
  • Pyro
  • Heavy
  • Engineer
  • Demoman
  • Sniper
  • Spy

0 voters

Spy:No coffin can contain me

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