Thanks to Kronk and Fear, I am letting it go

Plus, not every team will use Fear or Kronk. So that doesn’t mean you should stop using Freeze teams.

Tragic has a point. I don’t plan on using Kronk at all unless he turns out to be good, which I kinda doubt.

It is worth noting that in challengers, you should make sure Hades (with red skill) is in your defense to stall. Otherwise, a single person using Fear/Kronk (Yz) will put you at a disadvantage for points.

Of course you can but he trys to tell you that its a little annoying

I know what he is trying to tell me

They are asking nicely. They will likely see the replies anyway.


He, thank you very much.

Anyways @ELEKTRO-SOUL please respect other people’s answers and stop @ing them. It’s very annoying as it notifies us everytime.


Exactly I don’t know why people think freeze teams will be useless

Please don’t repeat what has already been said.


Ruby is right, this isn’t going to kill freeze teams, Hardy didn’t, why would this?


Why u quitting lol it has a chance to fail and ITS A RED SKILL

And also the Kronk disk will make MULAN greens useless

What stun does to freezes?

And situation with freezes isn’t that hopeless like with study teams, they are all dead and useless now.
Study teams were based on starting study from Barbossa, and the block also lasts for 10 seconds.

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I also wonder.

Exactly. I also think so.

Not really, it just gives a temporary counter to her abilities. And red skills are meant to be an extra, not a game-breaking stuff.

cough cough Kristoff, who was bugged for a long time.
Perma-freeze will still be a thing.
For Elsa vs Davy. You are actually comparing uncomparable. Elsa has fantastic crit (and I believe even Crit Damage) while Davy has none, his damage is the raw stat and he will hardly do a crit ever.

And I know what I am talking about, got Davy at R15, maxed and enhanced and he got 221 Normal Crit stat… against lvl210 characters 11% of critting… so 8 of 9 white skills won´t crit.

I do agree the old characters should all get a stat buff and…

Very silly reason to quit. No one is forcing you to spend on anything and if you like Elsa you can max her with few more characters as F2P as well. But well done on PB´s part to “force” another player out of the game, because that´s a wanted(?) side-effect.

@Hellkitty I will say that if you end up actually quitting I want to say that I hope you have had a good time in the game and the forum while you have played Hellkitty :-).
It is afterall your choice if you want to quit or not whether or not the reason logical or emotional, it is your choice if you want to quit or not and I think that should be respected.

As for Elsa in particular I will say that one isn’t technically supposed to stick to the same characters forever and adapt to the meta as it changes. While I do keep some of my older characters like Sulley and Wall-E as I keep those for City Watch reasons, Scrooge, Moana and Quorra I dropped to favor newer characters like Tron and Minnie who which are really good counter characters.

Disney Heroes is a game of survival grow stronger, adapt, grow stronger again.
That’s the cycle which Power Creep create, if you don’t adapt you get left behind.

There are two ways to go about it, either like I do due to limited resources investing in the characters that are the most adaptive regardless of meta like counter(Tron) and utility(Wall-E) characters.
The other approach would be to often invest in the newest and strongest characters often, like from Mulan to Cheshire Cat and now to Bunsen and Beaker. This approach is probably mostly feasible if having a decent VIP or a low level as after around level 120 it gets harder badge cost wise and more expensive gold wise.

But yeah, beside all that though I do rhink you should so what is right for you Hellkitty and I wish you the best of luck going forward regardless if you continue to play or not :-).

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