One of the benefit in VIP 13 is “2 friend XP from Friend Quest”
This is so ridiculous cause the Friend Quest is only useful at friendship lv 1~3.
Then you will go for missions to earn more XP.
The Friend Quest can only be solved once per day and that benefit only increase the XP from 1 to 2 ??!!
Hello? Is that right for a player who pay at least 1000 usd and he can have only 1 XP buff per day?
Not to mention that friendship lv 1~3 is really easy to achieve.
A player who has VIP 13 will no longer need this ‘so called’ benefit and has almost every friendship lv way beyond lv 3.
If you want to make this buff a real benefit.
You have to make it worth it, after all, it is VIP 13 not just VIP 3
It is more like it if the benefit is " 2 times friend XP from friend campaign and missions"
Or " you can buy 2 packs of friend stamina a day"
Please think about it. This is a suggestion from a player who got VIP 13 today.