The benefit of VIP 13 is ridiculous!

One of the benefit in VIP 13 is “2 friend XP from Friend Quest”
This is so ridiculous cause the Friend Quest is only useful at friendship lv 1~3.
Then you will go for missions to earn more XP.
The Friend Quest can only be solved once per day and that benefit only increase the XP from 1 to 2 ??!!
Hello? Is that right for a player who pay at least 1000 usd and he can have only 1 XP buff per day?
Not to mention that friendship lv 1~3 is really easy to achieve.
A player who has VIP 13 will no longer need this ‘so called’ benefit and has almost every friendship lv way beyond lv 3.

If you want to make this buff a real benefit.
You have to make it worth it, after all, it is VIP 13 not just VIP 3
It is more like it if the benefit is " 2 times friend XP from friend campaign and missions"
Or " you can buy 2 packs of friend stamina a day"
Please think about it. This is a suggestion from a player who got VIP 13 today.

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if you don’t want it, don’t spend money. and you knew what they were giving you from day one

You need to spend 2 days not 3 to unlock friend campaigh.
This is benefit.

10 Arena attacks
10 Coliseum attacks

Sounds like a benefit to me.

Of course it IS technically a benefit, but I agree that it’s underwhelming. It will equate to, what, maybe 40 exp total in the next year? I completely understand how that feels like a slap in the face after spending about $1000.

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Anyone that spends 1000 dollars on a two month old Disney game needs psychological intervention, not a better VIP 13 reward.

Even if said person was filthy rich, it’s still a pretty insane thing to do. I thought people played these games out of boredom to kill time? If they have 1000 bucks disposable to waste on a silly game, surely there’s better options available? I’m not poor myself, but I’d feel ridiculous spending more than a price of a coffee on any kind of grind game, never mind complaining about spending so much and opening myself up to ridicule. If my mates found out I was blowing a grand on a game with Toy story characters, they’d probably disown me through embarrassment.

But this game is older than just 2 months.

I personally think “2 Friend XP per Daily Quest” is good. Whenever I unlock a new Friendship (say, Chief Bogo and Mr. Incredible), I don’t do their Friend Campaigns first. I only focus on finishing Friend Campaigns one at a time. I let them stack up their Daily Quest because it also contributes to the “Finish 10 Campaign Levels (Normal or Elite)”.

You need better friends. Where’s the down vote button?

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