The “Big Bad Wolf” of Hell’s Kitchen (UNLIKELY CONCEPT)



“‘My Hands, they’re bleeding!!’ Stop acting like a baby girl.”

Team: Red

Position: Back

Role: Control

Description: “The Big Bad Wolf of Hell’s Kitchen Season 18 is here to huff, puff, and blow away all chances of the enemy team winning.”


Basic Attack: Scotley beats on his chest, sending a shockwave that deals X damage.

Entrance: Scotley walks in normally, before grinning at the enemy line and getting into stance. (White Skill photo would be what the grin looks like)

Victory: Scotley beats on his chest and howls.

Defeat: Scotley gains a confused face and shakes his head, like he did when Trev was sent back in line on Scotley’s elimination episode.


White Skill: Baby Girl


Scotley calls an enemy “Baby Girl”, which makes all enemy attacks target him instead. This also snares, silences, and deals X Damage.

Green Skill: My Teeth Are Showing Now

Scotley shows his teeth to the enemy line, which blinds 2 random enemies, as well as stunning them.

Blue Skill: The Wolf is Here


Scotley howls at the enemy line, which makes a shockwave, which damages each enemy hit by X damage. The shockwave also knocks back enemies, as well as stunning them.

Purple Skill: Only the Strong Survive


Whenever Scotley uses “Baby Girl”, the enemy is given 2 stacks of “Raged”. Each stack of “Raged” slows down the enemy’s attack speed, decreases their armor, and deals X extra damage.

Red Skill: Huff and Puff

Every time Scotley uses “My Teeth are Showing Now”, his basic attack speed increases by 20%, also, he gains increased armor.

  • +X Attack Speed
  • +X Max HP
  • +X Damage dealt on “Baby Girl”


Scotley/Nick Wilde
“On The Hunt”
Allies: Rex, Baloo, Shere Khan
“The Wolf is Here” now has a longer stun duration.

“Just Teasing”
Allies: Mother Gothel, Sully & Boo, Phoebus
“My Teeth are Showing Now” now heals Scotley 20% of his Max HP.


It’s been a long time since my last concept, and I’m sorry for that… I plan on making more soon, but I haven’t had quite the motivation to do so recently. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this concept, and I should make another one before the end of the week. Stay tuned!


Great concept :+1:

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Good concept! But it’s least likely!

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