The boy who always loses his pants (Ron Stoppable character concept)

Name: Ron Stoppable

Quote: “Booyah!”

Description: Ron Stoppable is a bumbling sidekick and a high school underdog willing to fight against the enemies with his little friend, Rufus, the naked mole rat.

Role: Control

Position: Mid

Stars: 2

Team: Red

Basic Attack: Ron Stoppable punches the enemy.

Entrance: Ron will walk normally to position, holding Rufus in his hands, then he puts Rufus in his shoulder and gets to position.

Victory: Ron will high five Rufus with his pointer finger.

Defeat: Ron tries to get away from the enemies by using his grappling hook but the grappling hook yanks his pants away. Making Ron cover his underwear.

White Skill: Naked Mole Rat-Attack
Ron will bring Rufus to the ground and the player chooses which enemy will Rufus fight against (If auto, Rufus will go to the closest enemy). Rufus will fight the enemy and haves medium health and does medium damage till Ron loses his energy or Rufus loses his HP. If that happens, Rufus will go back to Ron.

Green Skill: Tasty Invention
Ron Stoppable will get out his Naco to eat it which will heal himself and increase his energy.

Blue Skill: Fire Breath
Rufus will feed Ron Stoppable spicy food which will make Ron blow fire at the enemies. This will deal damage and blindness to the enemies while being burnt.

Purple Skill: Mystical Monkey Power
At first time when Ron Stoppable experiences 0HP, he will use his Mystical Monkey Power to make him become invincible, increases attack speed, and heals himself when using this skill. This only lasts for 10 seconds. He will not activate any other skill when doing this.


Ron Stoppable/Kim Possible
Team Possible, Increases basic damage
Increases Skill Power
“Mystical Monkey Power” will now increases Ron’s Max HP

Ron Stoppable/Stitch
Confused Experiment, Healing will increase in “Tasty Invention”
Rufus now does more damage in “Naked Mole Rat-Attack”
Deals more damage to stunned and blinded enemies

Any improvement that I could change? But anyways, I hope you liked it!


Oh yeah, Pooh Bear I’ll be Waiting patiently!



His concept will be release somewhere this week…

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@LetsGetDangerousBro On this thread?


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No, another post

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You don’t keep all of your concepts together? So that they can be easily found.



Well, maybe this thread, but other forum people also has separated concepts. So I will also keep my concepts separated.

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