The Caterpillar - Character Concept

I just saw the scene on YouTube (Alice smokes, she is too young!) and I see her coughing only… with her eyes closed. That is basically what makes the enemies blind. They attack aimlessly. Like some people do when they try to attack someone with their eyes closed. So the skill should still blind her

Just to remind you, I don’t want to let the enemy move so I used stun.

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Just because you do not want the enemy to move doesn’t mean you get to avoid logic!

WOW! Just WOW! I can’t believe you’re telling me that line. But I’m not going to fight with a KID, especially not in your level


Well I am pretty sure whenever you pass by someone who is smoking and you breathe it in you get stunned right? You cough. Sometimes with your eyes shut

No, I don’t cough, and I don’t close my eyes as well. I face the other side and hold my breath.

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But most do that right? The character can’t just be based off of personal preferences. Sometimes it has to be based on the general public

You know, I don’t get why you’re trying hard to contradict me and saying I’m doing this out of logic. You’re not acting like an advisor here, you’re a pure villain here in my concept.


I never really criticized your concept. I really only stated that it would be more logical to blind enemies instead of stunning them when exposed to smoke as easy as that. And apparently you are an adult “not fighting” an adolescent. I think pure villain is an exaggeration of what you are trying to describe me as

Live like a villain. I’m fine living like a street rat.

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Okay you treat a child like I am threatening you… such an example

EDIT: That is it end of conversation I am done with you. I was trying to be nice. But you treat me worse. You compare with Jafar and you think I am “pure villain.” I ain’t evil. Just the good person who likes to act bad. But do not think I am not gonna talk anymore. I am just a little frustrated that’s all.

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I like the concept how it is, it’s wonderland nothing makes sense, and we don’t know what’s in the smoke it might stun us too? :scream:


Lots of stuff in this game has effects that make no sense…why on earth fight about something this dumb…


Why are you guys fighting about smoke, it doesn’t matter. Just let NCTzen_Haechan have some fun in creating their own thing


Great concept! And I feel like most of us prefer to make our concepts based on the orginal movie and not the live action remakes.


Yeah, and it would be confusing if I put some Tim Burton flavor on this one.

@Filadae_Djaq It is true that most logical is from your perspective but doesn’t need to be in order to work in a world of Disney, or nothing makes sense. Diving in the action and believe, is the only way I can think of where a fantasy world can work wonders with different eyes.
In the end, It’s @NCTzen_Haechan concept and insight how he sees it.

Technically both could work together (I know. Only one disable can be chosen)
Example: stun for 2 seconds and blind 5 secs. Both get active at the same time. When the stun worns off it leave the character blind for 3 secs.
But once again it is his concept.

I liked the concept very much specially coming from an original movie.

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