Mi second concept
“I’ve seen the eye of the storm! And i forgot what fear is!”
The Nyctosaurus who forgot his fear after seeing the eye of the storm rushes to attack his enemies.
Team: yellow
Entry: fly to the Battlefield.
Victory: fly and laugh sinisterly
Defeat: He sees a hole in his wing and freaks out.
Basic attack: bite the enemy.
The eye of the storm
Thunderclap fly and Grab the enemy taking him off the screen and star falling rain healing the allies, then return to the Battlefield with the enemy weakened.
Where are you going friend
When an enemy tries to escape Thunderclap blocks his path and studies him for X seconds.
The study can fail with enemies that exceed the nevel X.
All the water
A her of pterosaurs arrives on the Battlefield but some sticks appear out of the screen and hit them fall to the ground, stunning the enemies for X seconds
Revealing the inner monster
Thunderclap get X of energy every time it hits an enemy.
Thunderclap armor increases 20% every time you use “eye of the storm”
Thunderclap and Simba and nala
Campaing:Thunderclap sees simba and nala as their prey and prepares to attack them
Disc: the path of genocide: Thunderclap get X from HP every time he has a shield.
Thunderclap and Hamm
Campaing:Thunderclap becomes the pet of the evil doctor Bacon hamm
Disc: a pet dinosaur: Thunderclap is immune to silence
I hope you Like this concept, now let’s pray that this charecter is in the future.