The Face of the owl house



“Hoot Hoot!”

Role: Damage
Position: Back
Team: Red

Entrance: Stretches across into position
Basic attack: Bites an enemy
Defeat: Gets scared and hisses at the enemy team
Victory: Hooty puts on headphones at nods his head to the music

White Skill: Moving Hassle
Hooty goes offscreen and Comes back with The owl house and stomps on the enemy team

Green skill: The Mail is here!
Hooty Barfs some letters and a package at enemies dealing X damage

Blue Skill: ChatterBox
Hooty starts talking about himself in a loud voice for a 5 seconds silencing enemies until he finishes

Purple skill: Reading gives you Knowledge!
Hooty has a random chance to spit out books instead of a package which deals more damage than the package

Red skill: Annoyingly Oblivious
Hooty is immune to damage while using chatterbox


Friendly Enemies
Hooty finds out eda may find a different house to use for hiding, so he attempts to earn her trust back.
Hooty now uses chatterbox for 10 seconds instead of 5

Relatable Voices
Mickey decides he should listen to one of hooty’s stories but instantly regrets it.
Books now have a bigger chance of being spat out instead of packages while using The Mail is here!


Tanks are mostly frontline

What does it do? And what does the friendship discs do?

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