The foxy concept reviews

Hello concept makers! Welcome to foxy studios!

I am starting a new buisness where I review concepts.
Currently we are in the christmas season, bringing up the special: foxy christmas cup!
Whoever has the best review at the end of the month wins the foxy christmas cup. Have fun!


Also, badges do not affect anything, all it does is show you how great your concepts are, because I feel like you should be able to see all the time you guys put into your amazing concepts.

1-12 copper badge
13-18 bronze badge
19-27 iron badge
27-30 silver badge
31-35 gold badge
36-40 platinum badge
41-46 diamond badge
47-49 emerald badge
50-53 ruby badge
54-58 topan badge
59 rainbow badge
60 the grand foxy badge

As we are in the christmas cup, any Christmas concept gets a +2 score!

Currently in the badge lead is an emerald badge, @HeadCasey with her mark beaks concept. Link above in main post


Out of curiosity, how do you determine the badge worth of each concept?
Is it based on any specific parameters or is it more of a gut feeling thing?

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Tbh I don’t know how I feel about this. If you go into a concept and just say this got a low badge to a first time concept maker that may (or may not) ruin their concept making experience.


@Grim_grinning_Ghost That’s exactly why I asked if it is based on any parameters.

If it comes with a fair judgement list like “added photos is worth 5 points” and/or “added friend missions is worth 5 points” then I think it’s ok…

I think if it was judged with an unbiased list of criteria then people will be able to make changes/improvements to their posts to raise their score/badge if they would like. :innocent:

I think if it’s based just on “I like this one because it was someone I like” and “I don’t like this one because they seem dumb” then yeah it’s unfair and going to cause problems quickly 🤷

(Not ungrateful for my award/badge though, it did make me very very happy)


Thankyou, your opinions are both very useful to me. I love you guys for sharing your opinions. I only do the badges to show how good I think they are, and I promise to never give anyone a badge underneath silver if that makes anyone happy. Besides, happiness is what disney was made for, right? :slight_smile:

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1 This is like a concept contest?
2 You are checking all the concepts?

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They have been quite selective so far.

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I wouldn’t really consider the one single review as a selection :thinking: but yeah, one review is not many at all. I do agree with that point.

at this point this review thing is kinda useless. This is just feedback (+number rating) but minus the feedback. And if you continue to review concepts I would pm someone and get their permission, because if you come on and say sorry this didn’t get a high badge or something there may be another forum fight starting. And more people would most likely rather have had feedback on the concept than a badge and 3 reasons it’s good while the reasons being vague and bland…

But that’s just me. I don’t like the idea of this because it’s just feedback, it’s always existed and calling these reviews (which from the ones you reviewed are just saying here’s a silver badge or here’s an emerald badge) aren’t reviews at all. If your going to continue with this either try not to make the reviews so bland and vague and try to at least pm the person who’s concept you’re going to review so you don’t barge in and say this gets a copper badge, better luck next time.

Also what are you even basing these reviews on? It looks like you just find concepts with over 7 likes and say you get a badge.

Just wanted to put my input into this…


@Grim_grinning_Ghost ok yeah.
That is a very true point.
I would much rather have real feedback on my work than a little award that came with no context.


Well that award is different. And off topic.


I’ll close the thread…

Does anyone else know how?

You can’t.

It is still an ok idea, but in order for you to do it you have to review nearly every concept and give reasons for the ratings. I encourage you to still give feedback on concepts, but please make it worthwhile for everyone. For example, I always appreciate feedback on concepts.

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