The ghost grim and grinning’s spooky concept contest

10 characters

Here’s my submission.

quick question- do friendships have to be with already existing characters or can they be anyone? just want to make sure that i know before i start working and submit my entry for the first stage

It can be one of your previous concepts or a in game character

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Oh my god, I so have no chance at winning…

I’m not a judge, I set up a poll in a few weeks then when it is July 1st we go on to stage 2, you are still able to participate but it can’t be the same concept, then In the end all the winning concepts will be put in a poll, who ever wins that wins the whole thing

Still, I have no chance.

You have a chance

I doubt it.

Okay so on the 25 we will have all these concepts in a poll then whoever wins will move on to the finals (a.k.a the October stage)

i want to submit one… is it ok as long as i get it in before the 25th

Yes, entry’s for this stage will be done in 4 days

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here is my submission!!
Miss Argentina

So which concepts do we have now?

At the moment
@Irrer-Minnie = Ernesto de la Cruz
@Xavier_The_Great =negaduck
@msmfan =golf ball
@Slinky-Dog =pennywise the clown
@Demonic_pixel =stripe the gremlin
@Bunny_Cat =animatronic squidward
@Imagineer_V =miss Argentina
@Tragic-Magic =slappy the dummy

Ok, thank you!

I like all of them.

You got it right.

what a great first round we have so far

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Mine is definitely the worst out of all of the concepts.

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