The Holiday Meme Game 2

I did and you’re correct on both 50 points

Correct 25 points

I’d probably use it as just someone who I can talk to whenever I need it

@Biyaya loses 300 points and 44 points for Luz

Games Over here’s the results

@Kermit1 wins :1st_place_medal:12708

2nd place @Biyaya :2nd_place_medal:7711

3rd @Mango_Island :3rd_place_medal:5678

There was a lot of competition fighting for first place between @Kermit1 and @Mickey_Fan_2023 but then @Mango_Island came and caught up and @Biyaya magically arrived for 3 days and took the lead and even thought @Kermit1 quit he came back and regained first place for victory for now stay tuned and see if I do decide to do one for February in celebration of Black history month and love.

What was new was that I added questions that weren’t Disney because I added Warner Bros because they along with Disney celebrated their 100th anniversary and I did added some questions that weren’t related to them. Also the Supermeme made its debut along with the Ultrameme and they were successful.

Now @Kermit1 joins the hall of fame with @DarthVaderVII


Congrats, Kermit1! :partying_face: :tada:

Thanks, Ozi_swag, for hosting this game, I had fun! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

GGs, everyone…especially you, @Kermit1 ! :slight_smile:

Congratulations :tada: @Kermit1

You did good @Kermit1

Thank you everyone! I was not expecting to win but when @Mickey_Fan_2023 was inactive I knew I had my shot.
Although, I really thought I would never catch up to @Biyaya I somehow did and won!! Cheers to the @Ozi_Swag can’t wait for next year!!


Wait, next year?
Ozi said that there’ll possibly be another Meme game next month. :confused:

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Congrats, @Kermit1. I was taking a pause from the forums, and I’m glad you saw this as an opportunity to take the lead.
But really, congrats! During the first days, there was really competition between us, and then between @Mango_Island, but, what can I say? I’m really glad that my first, real opponent of the game won it all. Even though you won, it’s like a win for me. All that time I spent answering questions and using memes for extra points to beat you really made you stronger, with the sense of war that you were developing. I think that’s what made you stronger. And I’m proud of it.
I want to also say thank you to @Ozi_swag, who hosted this fun and beautiful game that has rekindled the spirit of games and playing that all “forumers” have hidden for a long time.
Seriously, well done everyone!


Interesting… :thinking:. Maybe it’s my chance to get back in action! :grin:

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Yeah I did stay tuned because I did try to do one last February and no one decided to join

I’ll give you credit for answering most of the questions and that will put you in the hall of fame for most questions answered

Thanks @Ozi_swag for the extremely fun game. And @Kermit1 nice job you did amazing

I said I might do one for Next month in celebration of Black History and love month


Oh that’s nice. That sounds fun

Guys the Black History and Valentines meme game starts tomorrow


Alright thanks for letting us know

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