The Holiday Meme Game 2

  1. Super Mario Bros?

  2. Turducken

Incorrect :x::x: on the first one because I said all game consuls but correct on the second one 25 points

One time I was doing some homework with a friend. When we didn’t agree about an answer, we became “Frenemies”. Strange, huh?

Bonus: The 2 main protagonists are Avalon Greene and Halley Brandon

The first one is Minecraft

I think it would be delicious and tasty! :yum:

10 points for the Turduckin meme 17 points for the frenemies meme and 25 points for getting the bonus question correct with an extra meme and Minecraft is Incorrect :x::x:

Oh, now I remember! The first one is Tetris!

We like to play videogames and make others laugh!

Still Incorrect :x::x: there’s a certain game I’m looking for that’s free on PC and all game consuls that are still alive and 25 points for the meme


Correct 25 points for you

0 since I don’t play it

Same here.

6 extra points for the meme

This game came out in July of 2022 and was on open beta until June 25th and is supposed to relaunch sometime at the beginning of next year


Shoulda copy and pasted it :joy::joy:

Correct you get 25 points

Ultra Instinct Shaggy. Can someone blame him?

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Well I did think he was cool let’s see if he and everyone gets new moves when the game relaunches next year and if I were you too keep an eye on the game awards and 15 points for the meme

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