Would it be Ms Cho
Incorrect it’s a girl from another Disney channel animated show and The Meme with Edric Emira and Amity is Spark’s
Sasha waybright
Look at my meme played… says steal meme. How is it suppose to be played than, it’s so confusing.
Wait a minute my mistake I haven’t been myself lately because I was wrapping a lot of presents
Well @Spark loses the meme with Edric Emira and Amity and you were also correct 25 points Captain C
Use on third place just Becuase. Whatever max can steal is.
Shelton klutzberry?
Is it Martin.
Monty monogram
i would probably say how I feel everytime there is cap raises in the game without qol improvements done more frequently, but that’s probably not allowed to be said lol.
So let’s go with a friend asked to borrow money once, and he took three years to pay me back when I called out our friendship for not giving me anything for three years for it. And when he finally did pay me back he was like questioning the friendship for me questioning in the first place. Really if he showed any payments within those years even if 5$ here and there, I wouldn’t have said anything, but three years with nothing to show felt was being taking advantage of.
He has a temper problem?
Or was it he was at the party without a backstage pass?
You are correct you get 25 points
20 points for the meme
A cheap ever lasting perpetual energy device to stop use of fossil fuels realistically and one that not need anything more to keep producing energy.
15 points for the meme