The Horned King | Character Concept

The Horned King (The Black Cauldron, 1985)

3-Star Frontline Control

“Go forth, my deathless warriors. Destroy all in your path.”

Basic Attack: He claws with his sharp, gnarled fingers
Entrance: Thunder crashes as he appears in a cloud of smoke
Victory: He raises his arms, certain of his victory
Defeat: He skeletonizes and bursts into flame as he is dragged into the cauldron

White: Come Alive!


(X: Level Growth - Y: BD Growth - Normal Damage :sword:)

Passive: At the beginning of every wave, the Black Cauldron appears in the middle of the screen.
Allies gain up to X Basic Damage depending on how close they are to the cauldron.

Active: He activates the cauldron, animating a Cauldron Born who attacks the nearest enemy several times, dealing Y damage per hit and extending the length of all negative effects by 4 seconds.

Green: Deathless Warriors

CauldronBorn (Icon)

(BD Growth - Normal Damage :sword:)

The arms of several Cauldron Born reach out of the ground and swipe at nearby enemies, dealing X damage and cursing them for 12 seconds.

Blue: Cauldron’s Hunger

BlackCauldron (Icon)

(SP Growth - Fantastic Damage :sparkles:)

A deathly fog emerges from the Black Cauldron and rolls through the battlefield, silencing and dealing X damage a second to all enemies for 7 seconds.

Purple: Tyrant King


(Level Growth)

Cursed or silenced enemies’ energy is drained by 30 a second and given to The Horned King.

The effect is reduced against enemies above level X.

Red: My Power Cannot Die!

CauldronFire (Icon)
The Horned King’s speed cannot be increased or decreased. Instead, speed/slow buffs affect his damage accordingly.
The Horned King does X more damage for each disable or debuff on his target.

Additional stat boosts:

+X damage per hit from Come Alive!
+X Max HP
+X Basic Damage


The Horned King/Hades
“A God Among Mortal Men”
+X Basic Damage
All enemies are silenced for 3S seconds when The Horned King falls below 60% HP
Enemies are slowed 12
S% while silenced

The Horned King/Hector Barbossa
“Skeleton Key”
The Horned King and his allies are healed X HP a second for every 3 disables or debuffs on the enemy team
Come Alive! hits all enemies in an area, and knocks the target back further with each star level
Come Alive! deals 15*S% more damage to enemies with Hardy

Strategy Breakdown

The Horned King is a less intensive take on control, opting for curse and silence instead of stun, freeze, or charm. His active skill, Come Alive!, makes up for this by extending the length of all negative effects on the closest enemy, so that his allies can do the heavy lifting for him. Tyrant King supplements this by giving him additional energy generation while enemies are cursed or silenced.
His friendships boost him independently and supportively, respectively. Hades’ disk covers his inability to sustain himself by giving him and his allies a chance to breathe once he falls below 60% HP, and improves his ability to impede the enemy team by slowing them when silenced. His Barbossa disk pushes him further towards being a support character by healing his teammates while enemies are disabled or debuffed. What’s more important about the disk is Come Alive! becoming AoE and gaining knockback, letting him force enemies into a corner and extend the debuffs/disables on all of them.
My Power Cannot Die! enables THK to virtually ignore slows, at the cost of not being able to accelerate when sped up. It adds power to his skillset by giving him the ability to take advantage of all the negative effects he inflicts and preserves on enemies.

THK benefits from heroes who are able to inflict heavier debuffs like stun or charm, making him a good candidate for most of his fellow villains. Kida and WALL-E (Da) are especially helpful with Barbossa’s disk equipped, as they can provide a surplus of energy to shift him into overdrive. WALL-E (Da) in particular can work with him in a Freeze team to keep enemies continuously frozen. On the flip side, Megara and Tia (Ya) can benefit more from Hades’ disk, and Megara will help keep him alive.

Heroes like Kevin Flynn, Joy (An), Goofy (Mi), Anger and Donald who block or remove negative effects can all be a serious pain in the neck for him to deal with. Miss Piggy (Ga) in particular can put a quick end to him. Bo and others who do significant damage to frontline characters can also be problematic if not dealt with quickly.

(Disclaimer: I didn’t go over every hero, and I’m not very familiar some of them, so this may have been inaccurate in some places)


  • In the movie, the sound of a space shuttle launching plays when the Black Cauldron is activated.

  • In the book the movie is based on, The Chronicles of Prydain, he wasn’t the main villain. Instead, he was the most powerful minion of the true villain: Arawn.

    • Arawn was the movie’s original main villain, but the animators decided the Horned King would be better because he had horns like Maleficent and Chernabog.
    • In the opening sequence, it’s implied that Arawn is the spirit inside the Black Cauldron.
  • He was the first Disney villain to die in 26 years; before him was Maleficent.

  • Tim Burton helped conceptualize and animate the Horned King. Here is a rejected piece of concept art made by him:


The Horned King, viewed from an angle.

The Horned King activating the Black Cauldron’s power to reanimate the dead and create Cauldron Born
Cauldron Born
The Cauldron Born rising from the dead
Black Cauldron
A green mist or fog of some kind coming out of the Black Cauldron to reanimate the Cauldron Born

The Horned King sitting on his throne talking to the film’s protagonist.
A scene from the Black Cauldron activating
The Black Cauldron, as shown at the start of the movie.
Black Cauldron Face
The face on the cauldron, presumably that of Arawn, lighting up before it pulls the Horned King to it and kills him.

His (extremely violent for a kid’s movie :metal:) death.

  • Concept is too long
  • Concept is fine as is.

0 voters

Credits to and for the trivia. I worked hard on this and I hope you enjoyed it. :slight_smile:


Hahaha! Wonderful! Especially the trivia

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This is my only issue with the concept. As this mechanic should be introduced before red. Maybe it should be included along with the passive.

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That was my first idea, but it felt like too much to cram in. It doesn’t make too big a difference on his skillset, I don’t see what’s wrong with it being in the Red Skill.

Hmm. If PB were gonna introduce a completely new mechanic in the game, they’d usually introduce it before Red

Might I point you towards Aladdin, Animal, and Hades, to name the first few I could find? :slight_smile:

Oh wow, I just now noticed looking at the picture of his death, he has abs. This means someone at Disney decided to draw a six-pack of abs on a character who looks like a corpse that’s already half-decayed, for the duration of a few frames of him dying a violent and brutal death. Lmao. :joy:

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