The horsecollar files

So, after I told you the last chapter in the files, there was nothing else. I figured if I would talk to anyone it would be Mickey. Mickey told me that Horace left and wasn’t seen Again. Donald had no idea who horace was. But when I got to goofy it was so clear.

Horace spent an hour sobbing, then he got to his senses. He walked out of his house, only for an anvil to fall on him. “Oh, come on” he said. The weasels from above snickered. Horace through it back up and the weasels were sent flying. When he got to Goofy’s he decided to take his entire fridge, pictures of clarabelle, and goofy’s iconic hat.

Once he got out of the house he realized something goofy was more like able then he was. He decided to only take the hat, but the fridge fell on him. “Two time in one night, TWO” He yelled. So he decided to go where all forgotten toons go, back to where there heart breaks.


Sad, but not like last time. 8/10 I’m gonna say that this isn’t bad but I think you over did it with the anvils and fridges

I honestly love anvils and fridges, so, 9/10.

Why do you love anvils? Lol

they are the best cartoon weapon lol


(10 characters)

So I figured I should ask someone who knew everything about Horace, clarabelle. She said she was moo-ving (see what I did there) on. I asked her why and she didn’t respond, she told me to leave, I Left. Then I asked goofy if he had seen clarabelle in a bad mood with the horse, he said yes once actually.

He handed me a newspaper from 1942, I didn’t know why he gave it to me, he gave me it and then he left. I figured I should read it, I read the whole thing then a man walked up to me and said, “Ah those were the good days”. I asked him what he meant, he gave me the bottle he was holding pointed at the page and said “me”.

I was very confused by this, so I figured it was time to go see someone who was in a pickle like Horace was, roger rabbit. He told that valiant put the glass up to the paper the magnify stuff, so I did it. I couldn’t see anything until I found the spot where the man pointed, and I was shocked…



Wait who was the man?

You’ll see in time

…And throughly confused. I thought he was dead, apparently not. I called roger over to see what happened. He looked and fainted at the sight. Then I noticed carrots were half off at br’er rabbits super market. The man was Horace Horsecollar.

I immediately ran out of there, with the paper. After two hours I found him. I grabbed him and said, “you need to tell me”. He was confused. I had the file that you are reading now. He looked at it and said, “you got the first part correct, but the stealing from goofy thing that never happened”.



Are you making goofy a villain!!!

So apparently what goofy said was false, I asked Horace what happened after he went home and he said “because she was greedy. I used to love clarabelle but when I saw her dancing with goofy I understood why, I made less money than goofy and when we were a couple we didn’t make a lot of money. So she cheated on me and fell for that goof”.

Horace in fact didn’t even go home, he went down to Disney’s office to talk to him, but Pete was guarding the door. Pete stopped him and told him to leave, Horace just said “okay, but you have to give Walt this message”. He handed him a slip of paper and walked away. The next day walt got the paper, he read it then he said, “oh, they both decided to quit. Poor Horace and clarabelle they won’t be stars”.


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So you made clarabelle the villain and goofy is just being used, dang man this is romance

Horace told me that after he made him and clarabelle quit, he pursued his love for playing the drums. Walt only let him do it once in the band concert. He also told me where to find clarabelle. I went over to goofy’s house, I asked where clarabelle was and he replied “I ain’t seen her in 20 years”. Great, first a missing horse and now a missing cow, but then I thought to ask Minnie Mouse where clarabelle was.

She told me she last saw her 2 years ago at roger’s cafe. I went there and asked roger to show me the security footage. She left in a hurry, then she walked in the direction of the evil queen’s castle which was the only thing west of roger’s cafe. I got Mickey, Donald, goofy, and Horace together, we were gonna break into the castle and get the information.



That’s the best chapter yet

Ooh, literally making his ex a evil villain working for the queen

CHAPTER 8: into the evil queen clarabelle’s castle
When we entered the castle it was insane, there was a twisted version of Fantasia with bald mountain, broom sticks, the hippos and alligators, but when Donald looked at bald mountain he squawked and fainted. Oh bald mountain the mountain was opening up, but instead of a hideous demon, we saw a hideous, uh cow?

Clarabelle had the throne on bald mountain she looked at us and saw Horace, she mooed maniacally and ordered the broom sticks to capture us. The broom sticks were terrifying (I can’t believe I just said that) they were almost part animatronic and were melting ink I would assume. then I looked where the sorcerers apperentice was, and I saw instead of water there was DIP



What kind of dip?

The DIP used in who framed roger rabbit

Picture please?

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