The Jungle Hunter(An unlikely concept)

The Predator
2-star, Midline, Damage


Entrance: Deactivates his camouflage.
Basic attack: Shoots an enemy with his plasmacaster.
Victory: Mimicks laughter.
Defeat: Starts typing something at his wrist gauntlet.

White skill: Adaptive camouflage

Passive: the Predator targets the farthest enemy with his basic attacks.
Active: The Predator becomes invisible for 9 seconds. When invisible, he takes 25% less damage, and all his basic attacks scare the enemy. The camouflage deactivates if the Predator loses 20% of his maximum HP in one hit.
Scaring has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

Green skill: Yautja strength
Damage type: Normal

If an enemy comes too close to the Predator, he hits him/her with his wristblades, dealing X damage, stunning for 4 seconds and knocking him/her back. The Predator can throw enemies back every 8 seconds.

Blue skill: What are you

The Predator enchances thermal vision on his bio-helmet, studying an enemy with the least Skill Power for 13 seconds. The Predator will then attack this enemy until he/she is KO’d.
When the studied enemy is KO’d, The Predator gains X Skill Power. This bonus lasts between waves.

Purple skill: Self-destruction
Damage type: Normal

When the Predator is KO’d, he activates his self-destruct device. His wrist gauntlet explodes, dealing damage to all enemies. Stunned enemies get double damage, but if the explosion touches a studied or stunned enemy, the Predator’s ally with the most HP remaining loses 15% of it.

Red skill: Advanced technology

The Predator’s basic attacks now pierce through the enemies, dealing damage to all of them touched with the shot.
The Predator heals X HP when an enemy studied with “What are you” gets KO’d.
+X Basic Damage
+X Armor
+“Yautja strength” deals X damage over 3 seconds

Friendship disks

The Predator/Emperor Zurg
“Ultimate weapon”, Scary shots
+X Basic Damage to the Predator and allies
The Predator’s basic attacks now deal Fantastic damage instead, and “What are you” also scares the enemy for 2,5*S seconds.

The Predator/Randall Boggs
“Malfuctioned cloak”, Avoids disables
+X Reality
When invisible, the Predator gains 5*S Evasion.

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