The key to vanquish Randall?

Interesting thing I learned today, that cpuld be the key for many to defeating Randall. Randall can be silenced during his revive to prevent him from turning invisible. He still needs a good nerf, but I hope this information can help some people who are struggling to defeat him.

Randall is spelled with two l’s

Some other ways to vanquish him while he is invisible is by using skills that deal damage to all enemies. Zurg’s “Ion Cannon” in particular. Scar’s “Long Live the King” is a great skill to silence Randall, that way the team doesn’t have to face his counter. Tia Dalma may also silence enemies with “Mystical Storm”, but since her skill targets all enemies individually, Randall may avoid her electrifying powers.

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Aight, thanks for telling me.

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I feel like that Randall is too hard to be defeated

Joy, Rapunzel, Pan, Hook, Powerline and helpful against him…

Collette is also useful when you have her purple skill to max, as long as there’s at least one enemy not invisible, her onion blind can reveal Randall.


Yes. When the best way to counter a character is that character but more leveled up, something is wrong.

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Provided that Zurg’s fragile body survives Randall’s onslaught long enough to activate his white, that is.

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