The liquidator Disney hero’s battle mode character concept

This slippery supervillain will use all matters of liquid to do his bidding.

Stars: :star::star::star:

Entrance: the liquidator will simply slide on to the battlefield

Victory: the liquidator will drink his Sparkling Crystal Pure Flud Water

Defeat: a giant sponge will fall on him and absorb him

Quote: “you ain’t seen nothing yet”

Role: attack

Basic attack: the liquidator splashes boiling hot water at the enemy

White attack: DRY HARD a body of water will form around a random enemy and the water will transform into a solid encasing the enemy for a few seconds.

Green: SMASHING SALES the liquidator will form into a hammer and crush the nearest enemy.

Blue attack: SLICE EM AND DICE EM the liquidator will summon a horde of water monsters that will run across the screen damaging all enemies in their way.

Purple skill: WATER YOU GONA DO ABOUT IT whenever the liquidator uses “dry hard” the enemy affected will take damage when they are trapped.

Red skill: ITS JUST BUSINESS the liquidator heals up after using “slice em and dice em” and the attack will do more damage

Friend: moana

Campaign name: wonders of water.

Story: moana is assigned with beating the liquidator only to find out that the liquidator is invincible to the ocean and the oceans unable to be controlled by the liquidator meaning moana is going to have to work with him.

allies: Maui frozone and king triton

Friend: mega volt

Campaign name: fearsome friends

Story: the two team up and use their different abilities to become stronger.

allies: Negaduck Quakerjack and Bushroot (if he gets in)

Where are the allies for liquidator and Moana
Where are the allies for liquidator and Megavolt

You need allies for the friendship campaigns

You can only have 3 allies

How do you know how to make a concept?
But seriously, what role is he?

It’s actually pretty easy you just have to learn about the character and what they are like and think of how they would use their abilities in a battle you could even use ideas from the media they are featured in for example the white attack was actually used in an episode where the liquidator hardened all of the water in the city.

Sometimes I forget certain things and I usually get annoyed at these comments but instead I will just say thank you

I was talking to @DisneyHeroes32.
Sorry if I came off as rude with my comment.

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