The Pigeon-Loving Pacifist (Spies in Disguise Hero concept)

Alright, so I’m gonna say this now: expect a bunch of posts from me either today or throughout the week. For the one-year anniversary of Spies in Disguise, I decided to design five heroes from the film, with one being a complete redesign for the purpose of these Heroes. So, overall, I’m gonna get this out of the way, there’s gonna be a stack shared with each of these five Heroes, called Spied. You’ll see what that is in a minute. With that out of the way, let’s get on with our first Hero: Walter Beckett.

Name: Walter Beckett

Walter_Beckett (2)

Description: Walter Beckett may not be a real fighter, but that doesn’t mean he can’t help defeat his enemies with his various gadgets and pigeon friends.

Quote: “When we fight fire with fire, we all get burned. There’s no good guys or bad guys. Just people. And people are worth saving. Isn’t that our job?”

Role: Control

Position: Back

Stars: 1

Trial Team: Blue

Entrance: Walter walks onto the field and readies his backpack.

Basic Attack: Throws breadcrumbs

Victory: Walter mikedrops.

Defeat: Walter’s backpack malfunctions.


White Skill: Birdnado
:fist: Normal Damage
Passive: Instead of attacking, Walter throws stacks of Breadcrumbs at each of his enemies for his pigeons to eat later.
Active: Walter whistles and calls his pigeon friends to eat the Breadcrumbs, creating a tornado that blinds enemies for 12 seconds and deals X damage per second for each stack of Breadcrumbs. The blind has a chance to fail against enemies over Level X.

Green Skill: Kitty Glitter
Walter unleashes his Kitty Glitty, stunning and sapping enemies for 8 seconds. The stun and sap have a chance to fail against enemies over Level X.

Blue Skill: Multipen
Using his multipen, Walter presses one of the buttons to do one of three abilities. This happens at random and only occurs once every 8 seconds. These also have a chance to fail against enemies over Level X.

  1. Truth Serum: Charms the closest enemy for 6 seconds and grants X basic attack.
  2. Serious String: Knocks back and saps the closest enemy for 6 seconds.
  3. Jelly Sting: Stuns the closest enemy for 6 seconds.

Purple Skill: I Spy Danger
Whenever Walter uses any of his skills, he gains 100 energy. He also gains energy whenever an enemy gains a stack of Breadcrumbs or Spied. This has a chance to fail against enemies over Level X.

Red Skill: Pigeon Power
Enemies targeted by any of Walter’s skills also gain a stack of Spied. Enemies have X less reality and X less armor for each stack of Spied.

Whenever a team member activates a skill, Walter gains 5% movement speed for 10 seconds.

+X Skill Power

+X Reality

+X Tenacity

Friendship Skills:

  • Walter Beckett and Fear
    Campaign Name: Fear Factor
    Description: Fear finds himself to be a test subject for a gadget Walter has been working on. It’s a helmet that’s supposed to use one’s fear as motivation to keep going. However, a malfunction made Fear…a little too motivational and now Walter has to chase him around the City before he gets too fearless.
    Allies: Megavolt, Baymax, Syndrome
    Disk Name: Fear Factor Helmet
    Ability: Speedier with Abilities
    Whenever Walter activates Birdnado or Kitty Glitter, he gains 10% movement speed. (+2.5% per star on disk)
    +X Armor

  • Walter Beckett and Gizmoduck
    Campaign Name: Blathering Weirdness
    Description: Gizmoduck’s suit has been falling behind lately and needs to be tuned. He meets Walter, who is immediately taken by what the suit can do. He gladly offers to fix it up for him and take it for a test drive.
    Allies: WALL-E, Hiro Hamda, Bunsen and Beaker
    Disk Name: Gizmo Shield
    Ability: Extra Armor
    Whenever an enemy gains a stack of Breadcrumbs or Spied, he and his allies gain X armor for 6 seconds (+2 per star on disk)
    +X Max Health

Hero Rating on a Score of 1 to 5

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

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