The Xmas and New year celebration was a huge disappointment

Now that our celebration is over, let’s take at look at what we had.

  1. The celebration lasted 22 days, with event(s) changed daily.

We hadmultiple double drops, market discount, double ports and trials, diamond and wish crates discount, CW triple gold, extra chances in Coli and Arena, more gold bought

All of these above ranked from decent (double drops, double port, market discount) to totall trash (anyone thought that CW triple gold was a good event needs to have their reality check asap)

What we need is surge triple gold, which went extinct the minute new surge system went globally

And it was even worse for long term players, who could basically had their double drop any time they want

The most useful event was more stamina bought, which came as no surprise that we only had it ONCE at the start of the celebration and no more after that :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: yeah…I know what you felt. It was beyond…

  1. Trial events:

We had 2 major event ran for days (Elsa costume event and New Year event) and 4 weekend events.

While the weekend events were not as good as we hoped, at least the reset price was …ok (I guess). I never bought it

The other 2 major events had such insane reset costs made it clear that it was aim at the P2P players. And if the rewards were appropriate for their prices, I wouldn’t say anything. But they weren’t. They were bad. Really really bad… I event saw some 5$ deals offered way better rewards

The only exclusive and new thing they offered was Elsa costume, which was an old version of her. So not exactly that great… I wonder, did anyone get the Olaf border they designed? Anyone at all???

  1. The giveaways

We had 12 giveaways. Except for some good gifts (12 wish crates, 5 badge crates, 25 friend stamina packs), the rest were useless or utter trash

  1. Conclusion

I don’t know what you guys think of this so-called celebration (which to me, clearly isn’t), it was a clap to me and my guild members

It was bad, disappointing and offer basically nothing at all. I don’t know why I was surprised as every year, Xmas and New Year celebrations have always been the worst

The only new thing we all got was the elite non raid-all bug which was annoying and horrible

So much for the most wonderful time of the year

P/s: at the very least, this week contest is reasonable and I sincerely hope its format would stay this way. Why spending diamond when we could spend gold?:relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:


Friend stamina packs are good?

What are we supposed to do with them? I’m f2p, but I’ve completed all the friend campaigns before they made them easier, so I assume everyone else has completed them too.

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It is good for me and my friends, who just catching up to doing friend campaigns :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: it was impossible before for a lot of campaigns for us …

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I pretty much agree with this, actually. I will add that the special invasion was nice (not phenomenal, but any time we can earn extra mod pieces and upgrades I’m grateful), and I wasn’t disappointed by the daily giveaways because I never expect anything from them anyway.

My two biggest complaints would be the lack of Get More Stamina bonus days during the event, and the sheer cost of earning the Olaf border; if those two had been fixed (say, one GMS bonus per week and the Olaf border being available after 20 resets), I would’ve been happy with the celebration, but instead I’m… maybe not quite underwhelmed, but no more than merely whelmed. (And normally I’m all for making cosmetics available that only P2W players can achieve, it just seems wrong to do that during a Yuletide event.)

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