The Young Animal Lover, And His Goldfish

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Name: Stanley & Dennis
Source: Stanley
Stars: 1
Role: Support, Charm, Shields, Stun
Position: Back
Team: Yellow

Entrance: Stanley bounces in on his spring shoes.
Victory: Dennis jumps out of his bowl to give Stanley a high 5.

White Skill: “Finteresting Facts”: Stanley and Dennis discuss facts about creeps, and other enemies, making them weaker and easier to defeat.
Green Skill: “Fool’s Goldfish”: Dennis does some swimming tricks that charm enemies.
Blue Skill: “Bowled Over”: At the start of a round, Stanley throws big goldfish bowls that shields teammates.
Purple Skill: “Into The Book To Have Some Fun”: Stanley throws the Great Big Book Of Everything at an enemy to trap them.
Red Skill: “Shard Apart”: Shields from “Bowled Over” shatter into shards of glass, stunning and damaging enemies.

Stanley & Dennis and Hank & Dory
50 Fish Dates
Dennis falls in love with Dory, and enlists Stanley and Hank to help them with their date… Only for Dory to forget it even happened.
Disk: “Into The Book To Have Some Fun” traps a second enemy. +X Movement speed

Stanley & Dennis and Scar
Stanley finds that the Great Big Book Of Everything’s section on lions has been damaged, and go to Scar to learn more about them.
Disk: “Bowled Over” now creates a second shield. +X Armor

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