There is a bad word in the Spanish language (son of a *****)

Here is the screenshot, for those who don’t understand, it says son of a ***** (I censor it for obvious reasons in this forum It made me laugh when I saw it, especially considering that it is a Disney game, I hope they fix it soon and I also hope they don’t get mad at me for saying something rude even if it’s just to specify this case)


No offense, but he did not say that. But here’s the correction in English.


In English there is nothing wrong, but in Spanish there is something rude, Here I leave you an image translated with Google lens, if you still don’t believe me, translate it on your own, I speak Spanish and I know perfectly well that that is a bad word, bonita noche :wink:(este post lo hice para que no haya problemas con los niños hispanos si llegan a ver eso, asi que si no saben español no opinen, gracias y un saludo desde México :mexico:) ps: i hope perblue sees this and fixes it

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