There should be no Normal Damage immune creeps in Heist

It’s just so hard to control which heroes you are gonna get in a fight. It’s been multiple times when all I got were normal damage only heroes, and then I can’t do anything. Lately it was 2 minutes wasted, because I couldn’t quit the fight, and my Barbossa kept healing himself.

Please remove the blue guys from the Heist, there are not enough fantastic damage heroes for everyone.

But it isn’t hard at all to control who goes into a fight. You have time to arrange heroes before beginning any fight. Use that time to move heroes into he correct location before starting the fight.

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U played a public one before? And in a guild, it also takes A LOT because you have to keep telling people what to do over and over again

A combination of Fantastic and Normal Heroes should do you well.

If one of your heroes gets ambushed, and the only heroes near you are Normal Damagers, then your screwed. Make sure you have an array of Normal and Fantastic damagers in your team as well.

It’s not like your limited on what heroes you can bring into the heist… oh wait…


That’s the problem, when a bunch of decent fantastic damage players are locked out - you end up in a heist with far too much normal damage characters.

Yeah, Brutes (immune to normal damage) should be removed in Heist.

I don’t think the Brutes are the problem… it’s the location of the heroes.

U do have a point there. :thinking:

Also a factor if the heroes that are able to enter deal fantastic damage in the first place. Just another reason these restrictions are horrible and make no sense.

Lol, I have to admit… I ran into that problem once. Tia and Merida battled a Brute (a.k.a Normal Damage Immune Creep). Her White and Blue Skill are the only ones dealing Fantastic Damage, which had a hard time to the point that the timer ran out, resulting in their KO.

I don’t like how the game has NPC’s immune to certain damage types, period.

None of our characters can, so why do their’s?

Just give them really high armor or realty instead.

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