The warner brothers and sister
Description: The warner brothers and their sister Dot are a rear-line hurt trio
Entrance to Combat: The entrance to Warner Studios appears in the back and brothers Yakko, Wakko and Dot run from the guard and take their position on the battlefield.
Defeat: a long net appears and catches them pulling them off the battlefield
Victoria: they begin to sing and give a moral
White Skill: Ralph the Guard
Passive: the warner brothers and hernana warner attack in different ways, while yakko throws an anvil, while dot looks in a mirror gaining x of rality and x of tenacity and wakko eats eating recovering x of HP
Active: The warner brothers and sister start running from the security guard on the battlefield dealing x damage to all enemies
Green Skill: HOW DID YOU TELL ME !?
Dot gets angry and throws himself with a large hammer, damaging the farthest enemy for x damage and stunning them for x seconds. stun can fail against enemies of x level higher
Blue Skill: My Sandwich
After 8 basic attacks wakko eats a rotten sandwich after eating it burps a cloud of gaz that advances between the enemies causing damage x seconds and if the cloud of gaz damages an enemy that is stunned it lasts x seconds longer
Purple Skill: Escape
When the warner brothers and sister are defeated after a few seconds they fall between the enemies dealing x damage and bouncing to their position and recover x HP
Red Skill - Coming Soon
Friendship Sully and boo and yakko, wakko and dot
Hugo, paco and luis and yakko, wakko and dot