This contest... this contest, just UH (Contest Talk Thread)

So… the upcoming guild event is essentially “who can do most surge/CW battles” or diamonds.

The amount of cosmetic crates are terrible there.

Okey, I guess that 1060 Diamond Crates try to outweigh the disparity of cosmetic crates not being there, but still. Why the team just doesn´t keep the record and stay at it @Loutre?

I just can´t get over the team raising, then lowering, then raising, then lowering again given rewards at random times. Can it be please more consistent? Is it too much to ask for?


There is one “free” place for 18 cosmetic crates in 3.75M Rewards, just saying… We had 20 on 5M and 20 on 10M Rewards last guild contest.


@Loutre this is also off in the rank rewards BTW


Indeed… is this the way pb encourage(ehm sorry you don’t) guilds to participate in these Contest? This should be corrected asap. 10 chips really?


Why add promote Fred when some people have already maxed promoted him ? If you going to do this stuff you need to announce contest a week in advance rather than just 1 day.


That will be fixed shortly!


When the contest is over, the next contest …
I feel that the number of days in the contest is too long.


Promote Fred has a max of 15 times for the entire guild - I think it’ll be ok :stuck_out_tongue:


@loutre what is a ‘Boss Battle’ - is this invasion? Invasion won’t be running for a third of the contest duration :thinking:

Also does a Heist Battle mean literally a battle within a heist, of which there will be many, or a whole Heist itself?

Also, I assume that Surge Raids won’t count towards progress?


Actually not third, but more than a half. Invasion starts 3 days and 3 hours (or 3 days and 9 hours for S5) into the contest.

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Also, a question @Loutre why do old servers have 8 (375K) + 12 (500K) + 30 (1M) badge crates while 21-24 have 12 + 13 + 30? Could it be changed so that all servers actually get the same? Thanks.


Well, the current invasion will also last for nearly a day into the contest.

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Yes, but for many next will be easier than this.

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Boss battles (invasion) is capped at 70, it will be done in under an hour for most guilds.
And it could be that this will only be available on the last day, as the contest description mentions changing events each day.


oh that might be why they are capped so low
I guess again 2d events? Arena, then Heist, then Boss Battles

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Could be but would be super boring with a cap that most guilds finish in hours, rather than days.
If the cap would be per member, it would make more sense with those numbers.

Guess we’ll know in roughly 9 hours.

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Definitely not.

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@Loutre Not sure if you can tell us, but if you can tell us can you tell us why Diamonds have suddenly been added to more contests as a scorer and not just be for Fortify The Network contest even if special themed.

I know there is a three week rotation on contests, so as Fortify The Network contest were 2 weeks ago it technically isn’t a special Fortify The Network contest and as such this contest shouldn’t logically have diamonds as a score giver.

Any thoughts at least if not answers Loutre?

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like wat numi said, this is practically a spend diamonds n clear surge kinda contest…the rest are just fluff. spend diamonds b4 next week ftn…hmmm


yeah from my notes about the contests since early 2020, spending diamonds was NEVER in any contest other than FTN (and special FTN with minor variations)

in late June PB switched to 6-day contest and we have a new guild Contest (the City Patrol Contest) with spending diamonds as a point scorer, and now we have another new Guild Contest that are about spending Diamonds again…

and those Guild Contests are just 1 week before FTN, so basically we have 2 weeks of diamond-spending contest, not cool PB…

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