This contest whats happening pb

What’s going on with this horrible guild contest we just had cw with pete in ftn. Seriously more zeus chips come on pb get it together


I was thinking exactly the same. Contests are practically the same over and over. No more contests where we had to earn influence points or spend shop tokens


The points seem to be weird as well. The values are all infinite instead of limited higher values being included for each option like there normally is.

Isn’t King Triton supposed to be in the progress rewards instead of Chip and Dale? Shouldn’t this be fixed before it starts?

Contests used to be one of the funniest aspects of this game, well besides all the ftn contests, now they are some of the worst parts.same scoring requirements for every contest and worse and worse rewards for each contest. If you want to know how to ruin a game, just watch what pb does


the points for diamonds is ridiculous, you get more from doing other things

finishing 15 city watch battles with pete = 132.000
spending 5000 diamonds = 80.000
hiring 10 mercs from your guild mates for the next 6 days = 6x10x100x60 = 360.000

DO NOT spend your diamonds during this contest, save it for the next FTN

DO encourage your guild mates to hire as many mercs as they can in the surge

Note: here’s my strategy for this contest

  • hire one of the cheapest merc
  • pair them with one of my weakest hero
  • let them fail in a surge watch
  • repeat this 80 times and your guild will get 480K points
  • repeat this for the next 6 days and your guild will get 2.8M points
  • ask 3 of your guildmates to do the same thing and you’ll get 8.4M easy

we can win this contest, without spending diamonds at all!

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