This Game Is So Easy!

EDIT: This article is outdated. My opinion has since changed on this topic so if you want, you can read, but it is not the greatest.

Okay, let me explain. I know that the haters are gonna say “Well it’s a game made for kids, so it should be easy.” But I’m like “No, it shouldn’t.” The main reason I say this is because of other Disney games I’ve played. The other Disney games I’ve played actually challenged me. They’re not Cuphead levels of hard, but they’re actually kind of challenging. Also, the fact that you can just pay for everything and get to the max level in one week is just bogus to me.

… If you really hate DH:BM so much that you feel the need to make 5 entire threads about it in the span of only 3 days, then why are you even still playing it???


I thought so at first too. But, once I got into red ranks skills and battle badges, that’s when things start to get hard. That’s when strategy starts to become important.


Okay, I don’t hate this game. I just want to explain my issues with this game to overall make it a better package.

I just started red ranks, so who knows, my opinion could change or I could just buy stuff to make that easy as well, which is why I feel like PerBlue should make it to where it’s a challenge for everyone.

If you’re just starting red ranks, that explains a lot. Much of the content you’re working with is fighting older hero lineups with simpler skill kits and often they’re not on par with the newer heros. You’re also not having to deal with patch or battle badges yet. Several areas have also seen a lot of improvements from the early game that have made it much easier (who else remembers when you had to complete the entire friend campaign to get the disk?) The game does get harder and requires more strategy if you’re going to be competitive.

Also one particular thing I wanted to point out here - they’re clearly doing something right when there’s still enough audience for them to still be adding new content more than six years down the line. Sorcerer’s Arena has come and gone. You mention Mirrorverse, but last I was aware that game fell flat some time ago despite not being all that old. In a genre where there’s a good deal of competition, this game has been remarkably successful. Think about it a little before commenting about how easy the game is as a newbie to those of us who have been around since before red skills started rolling out.


We all tried to do that at some point and 99% of the time it fell flat on the ground.

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So if it is so easy, I imagine you already fully maxed EVERYONE? And you’re in the Challengers 1 league every season in arena/coli?

Oh yeah, game which been neglected by Kabam for last year. Epic.


Okay, thanks for letting me know.

One, I am just starting red ranks and I have been warned it gets tough with battle badges and patches so this forum could be completely outdated when I get those. 2. I did not know that Kabam has neglected Disney Mirrorverse. I started playing it about 2 weeks ago and since they’ve been putting in the old events, I thought they were new events. Thanks for letting me know about that.

It probably will go nowhere, but I still wanna make my opinion heard. I like this game, but it has a lot of issues.

I remember days when you needed to spend around 30-50 dollars a month on this game just to keep up.
Now you get E6 basically for free, but beyond that it costs 10x or even 20x the amount I mentioned to get everyone to E11. True (and sad) story.

This Game Is like “Money, Mine!” I will never pay in this game. The only reason I’m at level 238 is because of the VIP 5 pass for a day offered in the battle pass.

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