This Game Is So Unstable!

Okay, let me explain what’s happening. Okay, so I play this game a few times a day daily. Usually, I play this game for 20-30 minutes each time. Usually, by the end of a play session, the game will get real laggy. Then, when it tries to load something, the game totally freaks out and crashes. This is not my device. The other mobile games I play don’t have this issue. Could PerBlue fix this?


I’ve been having similar problems for the past few months, though it seems to have gotten somewhat worse lately. Oddly, the problem seems worst when I’m doing tasks that don’t look like they’d be that much of a burden to the client, like updating hero patch levels or fighting friendship campaigns.


The main thing that’s been causing this for me is when I raid for badges. When I played this game a few years ago on devices that were weaker, it ran perfectly fine, so I don’t know why this is happening.

Was doing surge just now and it got laggier and laggier before crashing out entirely. Lag was pretty much resolved for me until this last update, and it’s now been back in spades.

True, one of the main reasons I stopped doing Surge and just dumping all my heroes in HQ was because of how slow it was taking. One of the factors for the slowness was the lag.

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