Hello Perblue, I feel the experience of playing this game is so bad with phone 2GB ram, and 16 GB rom. Why, I think this game is so much lag than before, I played this game by getting an average FPS15 when in home, and 10-5 FPS during battle.
Before update 2.1 came, I played this game with a good performance by getting an average FPS 30-35 at home, and 30-20 FPS during battle (If there are lots of particles, of course it will drop to 10).
I played other games on the same device, like Minecraft, Mobile legends, and Mindustry so much better than this game.
The details are below.
- Minecart with 60 FPS at home, and average 30 in game.
- Mobile legends with 30 FPS at lobby, and average 25-20 FPS in battle(if pvp happen, the FPS will drop to 20-15).
- Mindustry with 30 FPS at home, and in game(If there are lots of particles, of course it will drop to 10-5).
BTW, I playing this game on phone with 3 GB ram, and 32 rom is so much batter.
That’s all I want to say, I don’t know if this is really a bug, or my phone is performing badly.
Sorry for typo, and mentioned another game, because just to comparison it to this game.