Thor (unlikely concept)

Name: Thor

Information: Don’t underestimate with this lighting god! Thor takes down enemies with his giant hammer, Mjolnir.

Movie: Thor (2011)

Position: Front

Quote: “It’s time to be who I am!”

Role: Damage

Team: Red

Entrance to battle: He walks normal.

Victory: He shows off his muscles. (So like Hercules’ victory).

Defeat: He sits down. (So like Gaston’s defeat)

Basic attack: He punches the enemy.


White Skill:
Stormy Weather: Fantastic Damage: :sparkles: Thor uses his hammer, Mjonlir to cause a storm, dealing X damage to the enemy with the most health until he runs out of energy. If he KOs that enemy with this skill , he’ll switch to the the enemy with the 2nd most health.

Green Skill: Lightning Smash: Fantastic Damage: :sparkles:
Thor smashes the ground, sending a shock wave dealing X damage to all enemies and knocking them back.

Blue Skill:
Lightning Throw: Fantastic Damage: :sparkles: Thor throws Mjolnir at the enemy with the most energy, dealing X damaged and stunning them for 12 seconds. If that enemy has more than 500 energy, that enemy is instead stunned for 18 seconds.

Purple Skill: Stormbreaker: Thor will now also attack the enemy with the Most Wanted effect. The enemy who’s doing the most damage so far is automatically given the Most Wanted effect. Thor also does 150% more damage to the Most Wanted enemy. This damage bonus is less effective against enemies higher than level X

Red Skill: World Domination: When Thor damages an enemy from “Stormy Weather” , he gains 1 stack of Domination. Each stack of Domination increases his attack and movement speed by 10% up to 100%. Thor can have up to 10 stacks of Domination per wave. Thor also carries 25% of his stacks from wave to wave. The stacks of Domination has a chance to be farther reduced if the enemies are higher than level X.
Additional Stat Boosts:
X Reality
X Skill Power
X Evasion

Friendship Discs:
Mr. Incredible: Name of Disc: Act of Sacrifice: “Lightning Smash” now also stuns enemies for 2 seconds.
+2 seconds per Star
X Skill Power to Red team allies
X Reality to Tank allies

Allies: Maximus, The Beast, and Dash

The Manticore: Disc name: Contest Of Champions: Thor’s basic attack and skills deals 50% more damage to Tank role enemies.

+50% damage per Star
X Armor
X Basic Damage

Allies: Violet, Randall Boggs, and Syndrome.


Please post all feedback.


Basic attack should be hitting with an uncharged hammer and he should enter via flying in and victory should be him charging up and flying off

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