Tia Dalma needs a nerf

Tia Dalma is very unbalanced after she was updated, her white skill is being a pain! your silence lasts 11 seconds. I can’t defeat a team that has she

She really doesn’t.


There are so many toons that are more in need of an adjustment/revision

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She’s very good now. But not to the point where she’s excessively OP. Don’t think any hero REALLY needs a nerf rn, but Tia wouldn’t be one of my first choices either way…


Laughs in Disgust’s 14 second silence 3 seconds into the wave


Cheshire, Max and Ian:


Can’t believe some people still want these nerfed. Tons of counters exist for each one, there’s no need whatsoever.


Nah, He is easy to counter

Same Goes to Him, Counters exist. Easily Counterable

I can say A slight nerf to him , The Cashier Cat is OP

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Hmmm, I guess you’re right. Ian and Maximus can be countered, but Cheshire definitely does need to be nerfed.

The maybe one good thing about this game is that every character is at least usable. No characters are unusable here.

I see the opposite… I can’t find a line with tia Dalma that wins. Probably needs to be buffed more if anything. :thinking:

Max - Yeah, he can be dealt with using heroes such as Goofy (Je), Bunsen and Beaker, Zurg (Re), etc.

Ian - Without hardy, he is pretty vulnerable to disables. And his reflect can be removed by Tron (Fl), Swedish Chef (Bu), Colette (Sa), etc. Also, he’s fairly fragile.

Cheshire - Controversial opinion, but… he doesn’t need a nerf. He’s annoying, yes, but he can be dealt with. You have Bo, Goliath (Th), Ian, Slinky (or any shielders in general), Angel, etc. Actually, he’s been getting nerfed under our noses for the past 5 months. He’s been losing negation, evasion, and frantastic crit. Wait… but then there are the younger servers… hmm…


I wouldn’t maybe go this far, but I definitely agree that he doesn’t need to be nerfed as harshly as other people might think. Just tone down his damage output a bit. Also, he isn’t the bulkiest unit, either, and he is also one of those units who actually has to move to a unit to basic attack them (unlike, say, Ian, who can comfortably basic attack from his position in the back), so he can be left kind of vulnerable at times.


The Op hasn’t mentioned what server they are in so how do we know that Tia isn’t a pain at a lower level server.

As regards to the 3 other mentioned heroes I think they are all fine and have plenty of counters now

Kermit is a good Cheshire Cat especially with his ducky disk

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