Timeout bug with H,D&L in Invasion

As screenshoted the new hero is causing a timeout bug in invasion. Time is running out and nothing happens. The 2. attempt was successful.
Please investigate @Polaris. Thank you!

I don’t understand what your point is here.

Are you saying that the clock runs down to zero but the fight isn’t ending? Because your screenshot shows that there is still time left in the fight.
Or are you saying that everyone is just stood around doing nothing? Because a video would help show that rather than a screenshot.

There’s a bug with Huey and Co that causes them to not move and be untargetable sometimes when getting in the skateboard for their white skill.

I don’t use video apps. That’s exactly what happened. Time ran down and the heroes were standing around doing nothing. I screenshotted it before the timer ran down to zero.

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