Tirek concept


Quote: Turns out the magic of friendship is your biggest weakness! A fitting end your pathetic story.

this power hungry centaur absorbs magic from enemies to become more powerful

Team: Yellow

Stars: :star:

Role: Attack, Shield


Entrance: Tirek enters the battlefield in his medium form

Normal attack: Tirek attacks the enemy with fireballs

Victory: Raises your arms to the sky and laughs wickedly

Defeat: Tirek’s magic is reduced and he returns to his original form

White skill
Magic absortion

Tirek absorbs magic from an enemy and weakens them, this also generates X energy for Tirek and will cause them to increase in size and attack

Green skill
Now i understand what your fellow princesses have done!

Tirek targets an enemy who threatens him and silences him for X minutes

Blue skill:
collecting debris
Fantastic damage

Tirek hurls debris at an enemy, dealing X bonus damage.

Purple skill:
Fight for the treacherous

Each time Tirek absorbs magic, grant an additional shield to an ally

Red skill:
The Kingdom of Vengeance

Tirek heals himself every time he hits an enemy

Tirek and Russell and Kevin

Disk: Power of the Phoenix Bird

Synopsis: Tirek claims to have seen a phoenix and helps Russell find it

Allies: Kim Possible, Yax and Robin Hood

Tirek and Alice

Disk: The beast from wonderland

Synopsis: Tirek, under the orders of the Queen of Hearts, pursues Alice to absorb her magic and cut off her head.

Allies: Chesire cat, Mickey mouse and Mushu

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