Too many tasks for too little reward

Various aspects of the game become unnecessary and/or a waste of resources after a couple times thru. Most aspects of the game leave a person feeling like they’ve accomplished nothing. So, in no particular order, let’s take a look.

• Collections: It is what it is. Nothing to see here. Passive progress.
• Coliseum: Heavily avoidable unless you feel like pumping resources into 15 heroes pre-cap.
• Guild War: If you needed a reason to feel like you will never be good enough to compete, this is it. It’s demoralizing. Not enough player retention to make this enjoyable.
• Guilds: 50 spots. Sporadic chat and there’s not much to do with guild mates.
• Market and other shops: Resource dumps in serious need of updating.
• Trials: What are these other than a few seconds of Raid clicking for junk loot?
• Surge: The turn on investment when hiring Mercs for fights is not worth it. Rewards not worth the effort.
• Missions: Set’em and forget’em. Redundant.
• The Port: Irrelevant. Nothing to see here.
• Invasion: Another mode with rewards that scale very poorly. 60x5 stam at max tier (65) is a bad joke. The other rewards are meh.
• City Watch: Reset and raid til tickets run out. Chip&Dale and some Heist tickets.
• Campaign: Re: first sentence in Invasion. Feels more like a gate than a path of progress.
• Heists: 90% of players don’t know how to play it because the guide for it, like everything else, is long winded and overwhelms the players. Keep it simple, folks.
• Crates: I don’t think I need to say anything. Everyone knows these all suck.
• Challenges: Easy to forget. Easier to avoid.
• Sign-In: More poor scaling that is only slightly better if you spend a bunch of real money to attain “VIP” levels.
• Arena: Hit Platinum and just make an attack daily to keep getting minimal rewards.
• Rankings: If you ain’t a whale, don’t get your hopes up.
• Enhancements: 1 point in 1 badge daily for quest. Waste of resources while leveling.
• Prize Wall: Strategically rigged to gate progress behind a paywall. Rewards system has been revamped. Now with less rewards, it’s uuuuugly.
• Contests: Read the forum thread on these for more info. Not good.
• Quests: In severe need of a buff.
• Medals: HA! Thanks for the progress rewards of junk hero chips and enough diamonds to buy half a hero chip.
• Mods: The only reason to do early tiers of Invasions. Still too costly to maintain while leveling.
• Badges/Bits/Plans: Too costly for so little. These are a natural gate for progress.
• Battle Pass: The reduction of rewards in the Prize Wall is a direct response to lack of interest in the BP. Now that the PW doesn’t reward enough to build your hero, you are expected to toss down $15 for a “Premium Pass” that will be needed to complete a hero. Another aspect plagued with poor scaling.
• Diamonds: The hard currency. Every gacha has them. Early on you are given them by the ton to get you hooked. Unwise spending is generally how it ends for the majority of new players. Buying them is a bad idea. The amounts you can purchase are overpriced and underwhelming.
• Stamina: Sure, you can get these as rewards. Too bad they are in such minimal amounts as to be utterly useless. Invasion tier 65 gets a whopping 60x5. Prize Wall gives 0 now. Video crates give 1-2. It’s sad.
• Gold: Conserve it, because you will never have enough. Skill costs, especially Red, get out of hand quickly. Don’t waste gold on things like crates and such. You are gonna be grinding hard otherwise, because the game does not reward you with much.

I’m sure I missed a few things and there are some that will inevitably disagree with how I feel. I’m fine with that. I welcome varying perspectives.


I think I agree with most of this, a lot of the game has become stale and/or outdated.

I disagree with Arena & Coli. For a F2P player these are by far the most important modes, and I actually find Arena somewhat enjoyable (it would be more so if the point system would be revamped…). The weekly diamond rewards in Challenger leagues are actually pretty good and well worth trying to promote for, they provide plenty enough diamonds to keep a F2P player topped up on their main heroes.

I think I also disagree with Surge & Skill costs. The team picking algorithm in Surge could use some work so we don’t get 500 Zeus battles every day, but still, I find the gold return to still be excellent despite the Merc cost and recent nerf. If someone Surges regularly and well, I feel like Gold should never be in short supply - I have 58 Billion and this goes up over the course of a cap raise, not down.

Everything else, yes. Sadly every single mode & feature except Prize Wall seems to have been abandoned in terms of changes & updates.


what is there to talk about if they can’t even make a normal store for themselves, so that players buy what they need there, and don’t catch stocks with a bunch of garbage in addition to energy bottles.


If anything… I for one dislike the structure of weekly rewards. Ending at below 10th place in Div 2 shouldn’t get you worse rewards compared to first 3 places in Div 3…
Besides it doesn’t get you much more diamonds anyway.

About this, I don’t understand several things:
One, not having a limiter on appearance of the heroes in Surge.
Two, why we even have Tier 100 there? Top guilds can barely ever reach Tier 25. If Tier 30 had 290% bonus it would be better.

Ah true, infamous Invasion and Heist.

The closest thing we have to a Co-Op mode in this game are Heists, and that is at the most basic of definition. It’s not even a good Co-Op because you get stuck with AFK’ers nearly every Heist and it’s boring. I save up Heist tickets for special events and ignore them otherwise. There’s nothing in the Heist shop I need.

Even though I’m not at level cap I still spend very little time playing now. I log in once to collect stam and click thru all the daily stuff. Then I log in 2 more times to collect stam and mail. About 20min in total. There’s no depth to any of it. The gameplay is neither intuitive, intriguing or ground breaking. They took everything about gacha gaming and devolved it.

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Basically, everything you’re saying relates to development of the game not keeping pace with expectations. Here’s a game where it takes $50-100/month to keep up with advances in the game itself, and yet there just aren’t enough aspects of the game to warrant it. The entire game is about grinding for resources and matching line ups in repetitive battles. If this was an Xbox or PS game no one would play it, and the few that did certainly wouldn’t throw money at it. That said, prize wall, code base, and unique challenge trials are excellent additions that show there are possibilities for growth.

Amen about heist, a waste, I’ve never liked it or don’t play it, make it a solo task with computer opponents or something. Too many leads kick people for ridiculous reasons, too many players expect to just sit there, etc, etc. I don’t have 15-20 minutes every day to waste my time on that garbage then get kicked because I’m not a member of so and so’s guild or whatever.

Disagree about invasion. Invasion is the best part of the game with the best return on time/rewards. No other aspect of the game is as good. If the game didn’t have invasion I would have quit a long time ago — and so would most of my guild. Invasion is one of the only aspects of the game that almost everyone in my guild plays every time. It’d be great to see more special invasions like we had in the past and also some staging every 50 or 100 levels or something where a surprise mega monster shows up or something.


I´d say even more than that.

If you even slightly mean for farming gold then NO. And the other rewards are very outdated, so the OP is right there.

We had one during 3rd anniversary, whopping 14.5 months ago. :unamused: I want them once every month.

Uhhhhh… I´d rather want to see R.O.B. Lightning done. 4 years and still nothing.


You’d need more like $250+/month to keep up with everything. The sheer number of new heroes being constantly added are designed to counter previous heroes, rendering all those investments null. They’re not added to enhance the game. They are used as a way to avoid balancing the game properly. Let’s not forget that they want $50 every time they add/update content.

Now, let’s put it in perspective.

I have X**** Game Pass and pay $9.99/month to have access to every single title they provide. Their library is huge. I can buy entire. complete games for ~$50 and never have to spend another dollar on it. Many times you can find the pass on a deal of $1 for 3 months. How do you beat that?

In 1 years time, assuming I didn’t get the $1 deal, I spend $120 for access to a library of top-of-the-line A+++ titles.

How far can one get in this game with $120? A few red/yellow ranks, a pittance worth of diamonds, some junk badges and maybe enough stamina to bring your team level up a couple notches?

What’s the greater value? >$120 for a years worth of unlimited gaming, or w/e pitiful loot you get from this game?

It’s not even a hard choice. There’s a reason why my time in this game might reach 30min/day. I spend time on major titles that aren’t viewing me like a walking wallet.


Personally, I can’t get into them. Red and Blue Invasions are a sleepwalk. Yellow is my weak point and I don’t care to invest into improving it. 65 tiers of rewards that end up costing me resources just to use. What do you end up with? 1 mod on one hero and barely enough rewards to do anything with it.

Just look at the top 5 tiers of the Invasion. More mod points I don’t need. Enough gold to pay for a few skill points. Not enough parts to do anything worthwhile. 300 stamina that doesn’t even cover what I need to get one single badge for one single hero.

All that work to move up the invasion ranks to get more points I don’t need, because that’s all you get at the end of each invasion. My guild, and myself, groan with the start of each new invasion.

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as far as time per rewards goes, well yeah invasion is by far the best - smash it out in 10 mins on a Monday evening and then chill for the week :joy:

not sure about this one :stuck_out_tongue: it certainly had potential to be fun, but the complete lack of scaling or battle variety and exorbitant requirements for Battle Badges just make it an almost completely pointless waste of a few minutes play time


Is the invasion the best part of the game? Seriously? there 99% of the players are on clickers. everyone knows about it. commands are the same. most players get all the prizes on the first day and that’s it, the rest of the days they just do the quest for 3 bosses and spend energy.
There are no exciting modes in this game. Perblu was promised that they would constantly update the modes 2 years ago, but alas, the modes remained the same as they were, without changes.
I play\played many similar games and the most interesting mode was in the game heroes charge-war of the gods. in it you choose characters one by one and make a team out of them, and then a battle. all this in real time.

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I don´t think you are correct here.

Can generally agree with this. Although sometimes the counters are not very strong and the heroes they are meant to counter stay strong (Zeus, Bolt, Go-Go etc.)

This never worked. The text afterwards is you questioning the motives of people spending on this game.

I would really recommend avoiding that in the future. Firstly, because you won´t change anyone, though some may feel depressed (which hardly helps). Secondly, you have basically no right in saying what people should spend on and not. Thirdly, not everyone sees value in random games… “unlimited gaming” (me included).

It´s everyone´s choice.

On another topic…

One word. Audrey. You don´t even need to rank her up, just level the green skill.

And something entirely different…

If you mean 99% of “top players”… maybe. If you mean 99% of all players… NO.

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Geeez! That is one loooong list :rofl:
But sadly, i have to admit i can agree with a lot of list.
Its tough to see what started out as a fun ‘game’ now turned into just an ‘app’
Just gotta hang in there n hope for that ‘turnaround’ to make DHBM fun again


@Loutre Hope you don’t mind me tagging you here, but I wanted to ask in terms of the Badge Booster Crates.

Is it fine that we players spread the knowledge of them freely in terms of how to use them the most efficiently?

I want to help people by explaining the Badge Booster Crates in detail here on the forum, I am a bit scared of that could end up in that you at PerBlue make the Badge Booster Crates worse. So yeah, is it fine that I tell people about how to make the most out of the Badge Booster Crates.

Like a playing player is better than a player that has quit, so yeah on that premise.

Just at least hear on it as I want to help people more and know that will be okey :-).


Yes, it’s always fine to share strategies for the game. Unless you’re using hacks or cheats it’s fine to share.

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Thanks and appreciate it Loutre :-).

I was referring to the fact that the Badge Booster Crates in the Progress Rewards got reduced, so just don’t want something similar to happen again due to more players understanding how to use Badge Booster Crates efficiently.

So yeah, just wanted to make sure something like that don’t end up being a consequence :-).

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Was busy in real life for a while but yeah, if you don’t know why I mentioned the Badge Booster Crates in the sense I did Sin_Soaker I am happy to tell you if you are interested in hearing it :-).


The way they work is not a secret, in fact its very accurately explained in their information description. The only thing lacking is how much is “not enough” but we all know it goes downhill below 10. That doesn’t change the fact that people just use them without thinking and don’t want to re-read what is written, do 2+2 and use them efficiently.

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I would absolutely like to hear it. I welcome advice and information. No matter how much I learn, there’s always someone out there that knows more. I never turn down the chance to learn more.

And I agree with what you said about being concerned that informing the players might cause another nerf to the content. If one researches this sort of thing on the forums, there’s likely a pattern of it that creates the concern. It’d be nice to discover something helpful that doesn’t get changed because devs get nervous about being too generous.

I’m not pointing the finger at PB. I’ve just been there before with other games of this genre.

Fact, for me anyways, is I’m starting to hit burnout pretty quickly. After playing for a few months, and getting almost to team level 200, I’ve informed my guild that I’m taking a hiatus from DHBM. Unless some major positive changes happen, I will remain inactive.

The only part that I will honestly miss is the socialization with guild mates. Unfortunately, that does not justify keeping the game and playing. The turnover rate of guild members is high, so the social environment is unstable.

Frankly, I’m enjoying the games I still play and none of them cost me a dime after I bought them. None of them make me feel like I’m running in place. When I log off them, I feel like the time I spent on them was positive. I feel a sense of progression. When an issue arises, it’s quick and easy to get support and a resolution. I don’t get any oblivious responses. I like playing a game when I know all these things are possible/plausible.

As a customer/player I don’t want to feel like I’m being used.

Maybe, but I’d bet I’m not too far off.

I concur. I do find concern in the fact that the hero pool is almost at 200 and they try to use new ones as nerfs rather than enhancements. If the new heroes were used as a way to expand upon the game it would be nice. Give people more options, not less. New ones can be strong without doing it at the expense of others. A larger % of the hero pool being viable would improve things greatly.

The text afterwards is me showing value for my money. Once you’ve spent more on this game than it costs to buy a AAA title, you’re wasting money (from a gamer perspective). This game lacks the depth, ingenuity and quality of those major titles.

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