
Looks like we have a tie starting soon Dash


Carnage is too cool. Keep him in. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

How about we compromise and vote out Darcy Lewis


He is Marvel!

I would but no one else would. Jimmy Woo is better imo but no one cares about him. :sob:

Well I’m switching my vote to Darcy, follow if you want. Spark and Dash come with us


“And I did
 And I did.”

I already have


It shows you’re voting for both Carnage and Darcy

Refresh the page.

Darcy is somewhat funny but a bit overrated imo. Many MCU side characters are like her.

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Everyone join us in getting rid of Darcy!!!


And I know just the gif to use for when she gets eliminated

NOOOOOO! The file is to big. What a twist-


Why are people voting Darcy now :sob:

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Cause we should save Figment. :grin:

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No. She is great. In general when I saw the wiki list compared to who actually was put in the game
 many deserving characters did not get in no matter who or what they are and I think that is beyond stupid.

Seemed to me like almost everyone that got in was voted in. Who wasn’t. I legit don’t remember any other character being voted in.

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To add to what Rex said

Any character who was on that wiki, made it in. No additional characters were added
 If you didn’t like who was on the roster, you could have added 1-3 characters yourself :man_shrugging:


If you want to discuss characters you wanted to see voted in, you can discuss it elsewhere. Not here. We’ve been through this all already.

And of course you assume I did not

How are they not deserving though, Imagineer. They’re two extremely important characters. Quill is the leader of the Guardians, Banner is one of the original 6 Avengers. Personal opinions aside, they’re important characters. You can’t deny that.

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