
I like Star Lord. Once again the assumptions… :expressionless:

I looked for a good 5 minutes to see who was not there, so I missed those two.

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Well, he was From Disney, since the ride was in Epcot.

I know (look at my namesake). I thought I would put him on the roster because he got a series of Marvel comics.

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Vote darcy out save figment


I’m just making a MASSIVE d move by voting Dream (:wink:) to make a tie

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Well, tie is broken, and now Dreamfinder goes bye-bye!

Dreamfinder seems to be more interesting than Darcy by a mile, and I’ve only seen some comic book covers

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Exactly, lol.

But Darcy was so likeable in WandaVision.

She’s winning but will likely get eliminated next round, aw :(. Time to hope that Deadpool wins.

Then compromise and try to eliminate someone else! Like Thanos!

Yeah, Thanos is a pretty overrated character, ngl


Yeah. She really was. I also really like her in general. I liked her before she was cool cause I feel like if I was in Marvel and not a hero or Avenger or something like that I would be her.


Yes! Darcy is hilarious and an incredible character! She needs to stay!

Doesn’t matter anyway, she’ll probably be out next round because of angry Figment fans

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I still think Loki is a better villain. Like don’t get me wrong, I love Thanos, he’s amazing and he’s a meme but Loki is the best villain.


Yes. Loki is just the best. :ok_hand: And he’ll always be


When people vote for characters with one vote it’s weird to me because it doesn’t change anything…

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Let’s try to get him top 5. For himself and Asgard.:sunglasses:

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