
And to avenge Kool-Aid Man?

But we didn’t


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Ngl, I don’t want any super-mainsteam characters to win.
Example: Hulk, Iron Man, Cap

The only one that would win of those three would most likely be

Because Downey and Endgame. But the most possible wins imo are Spidey, Loki, Black Panther, Wanda or Deadpool. All five are likely and would be deserving of it imo. Or even Bucky. :wink:


Or even…:running_man: :candy: :cloud:

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No, silly.
Consider the clues I gave you :mantelpiece_clock: :champagne:

Loki has nothing to do with that mascot. Loki deserves to win because he’s the best villain and because he’s incredible. Period. :fist:


He’s not just a mascot, he helps us all enjoy Kool-Aid!

And his show that is coming soon!!!

But if we do that we have to give that same energy to Wanda.

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Okay, let’s make an effort. We work together for either of them. Doesn’t matter who wins, as long as they reach top 5. Deal?

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If the Loki trailer came earlier I’m sure Miss Minutes would have made it on.


This is gonna be an interesting round. :open_mouth: I wouldn’t be surprised if we had ties occuring consecutively or even in the Top 5. :woozy_face:

Dash, can you revive Kool-Aid Man?


Or just troll everyone and add Mobius. :woozy_face:

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Unfortunately, I do not know the ways of Retribution.


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And make sure :running_man: :candy: :cloud: makes it top 3 at least :wink:


No resurrections this time.


Learn the ways then! Kool-Aid Man MUST win!



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I love both Wanda and Loki so yes. Both are in my top 5 as characters along with Doctor Strange. The other two spots switch a lot, but I tend to love characters that involve magic.

She is cool also lol.

The deal was already signed before you said this dude.

I would not object to this.

Edit to add clarification.

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