

Strange needs to be at least in top 10

Ewwwww what the heck is that thing!?

Perhaps. This is a tough game for me cause I honestly love all the characters here.

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Who do you want to win?
Show the best scene your character was inā€¦ Then we can discuss.

This is one hundred percent how I feel.


Let me find the best one might be a bit.

Beat this!

I have given you the impossible taskā€¦

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Okay I forgot about that part. It is pretty cool and epic.

I would come back but all of the QS videos say ā€œbad****ā€ in the title

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Haha, I gotcha. Hiddles > Evan Peters.


Just you wait til I go to our PMs and ask you not to flag

If I went to the theater and this scene was the entire film, I would leave satisfied.


Here we go!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Donā€™t know if the video will work

Of course it doesnā€™t.

How do you guys get videos?

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