
Oh, I don’t think so.

Grimace must stay. #ThanosDidNothingWrong

Except almost destroying the whole universe

But he was going to replace it with a new one that was teeming with life. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

He didn’t destroy it, he was just an idiot for not realizing he could just double the resources in the universe

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Yes, he is. Even the all-loved MCU Thanos in the end couldn’t see what would actually happen if he accomplished his plan, and he was supposed to be intelligent.

Born from the doom
Got the reference?


Well, no, he did have a good plan, the problem is the way he went about it. It’s ironic actually. He says Ronan is stupid for his obsession being death but yet, the solution to his problem is death of half of all the life in the universe. But also yes, he didn’t get to see the fruits of his labor. And there was none actually. As we see, the MCU during the snap was a horrible world.

They’ll never get it. Because you won’t be alive to tell them. :smiling_imp:


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Oh, shoot-
I like how we are just making Marvel references :laughing:

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“Of course we are. We’ve come too far for anything else.” :grin:

You mean the Idea was good right? His actual plan was bad. Like, it would obviously kill more than half with the consequences, create an economic collapse, and he also killed plants. That’s basically halving the food resources as well


It actually would not have worked.

That makes it worse

Both were bad end of story

Think of the reference, think of the reference


It was a joke. Bottom line is, Thanos’ mind is twisted. None of his plans would have worked. But in his mind, they would have. He was determined to make them work. And he did win. Is he gone? Yes. But will the MCU ever be the same after him? No.


I give up

Honestly, I like Endgame Thanos more because of that. He doesn’t care, so he just creates another plan and that’s it. It was simpler and better, even though still meh

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Loki, Avengers (2012)


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I have seen the memes I know

Justice for Black Widow and everyone else they lost besides Tony who did not get a proper anything like a funeral and in general

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The thing is: Thanos could have made it work because Infinity Stones go brrrrrrrrrrr. Well, I guess one can only use their powers up to their mental capacity

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