
I love how the movie pretty much forgot Black Widow died

Imagine someone like Killmonger with the stones. Probably the one MCU villain that is almost undeniably right. Tā€™Challa even knew he was right. Even in the end, he basically honored him with the speech. If he had the power for the stones, he actually would do the right thing, much more than Thanos would. Just another reason heā€™s so amazing.

KOOLAID man with the infinity stones


He still seems twisted in my opinion. Tā€™challa deserves it more, he wouldnā€™t be corrupted by the power.

After so much use they would eventually break and so ultimate demise no matter what Thanos or not because overpopulation is an issue and the end is going to come anyway so why liveā€¦ sometimes I wonder if the MCU will ever address this. We already do with mental health.

Today is not a day for positivity.

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Every MCU villain is. That doesnā€™t mean heā€™s any less right though. He just went about it through the wrong ways. There are so many different things about Black Panther to psychoanalyze but I wonā€™t bore you with my obsession with it. :upside_down_face:



His motivations seem like a disguise to me. Like, if he actually cared, why did he destroy the plants for the future Black Panthers?

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His motivations were pure in his head, but he wasnā€™t aware of the consequences

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Perhaps, but to be honest, they somewhat did with Falcon & The Winter Soldier and almost definitely will with Eternals and Captain America 4. But Iā€™m not sure they will ever fully go that deep. The MCU is meant to uplift, to upbuild. Realism is always present, but never meant to depress. Itā€™s meant to inspire, to keep going. To find the inner hero in you in every situation. Perfect answer to that btw, Snuffleluffagus.


Idk, Killmonger is very intelligent. But people can be blinded by Ideology so yeah, it works

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Uhh may I ask why are people voting Magneto? Heā€™s pretty cool, better than Ultron at least.

I hope to see more villains like him in the MCU. Karli from F&TWS did come close but something was still off. I really hope that the future of MCU villains will be like Killmonger.

He, Thanos and Loki are the pinnacle of comic book villains imo. Flawed, but did have some truth in their ideologies. Loki is a different story. He is all about control but his story is also born from pain. He just wants to make his father proud and prove he is worthy. Even if that means enslaving the human race like how he planned to. Messed up but has amazing ideology behind it. Ultron was close, but his humor got in the way too much. He was interesting and unique but the humor overtook his ideology.


Tisā€™ but a scratch!


My main problem with MCU Thanos is: did Marvel plan to make him a twisted character? Because it seems that they just go along with the ā€œThanos did nothing wrongā€ thing and apparently they wanted to show that in Infinity War.

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I think the biggest missed opportunity with Thanos was we got tell, but didnā€™t get show. We heard of his origin but we didnā€™t see it.

We couldnā€™t really feel sympathy for someone that we only knew for genocide in the beginning and killing characters we love, even if Killmonger and Loki did the same and they were loved.

Yes, he has ideology and yes, he is captivating but why does he even do what he does. Why did people call him a madman exactly? I hope Eternals explains this. Obviously, these movies are not and will never be perfect but I think backstory and exposition can make something from good to great. Or from great to even better, in the case of IW and EG imo.

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I like to think that Thanos himself destroyed Titan, but thinks that itā€™s not his fault. Something like that is probably going to happen.

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:rofl: :joy: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :neutral_face: :cold_sweat: :cry: :sob:


I actually donā€™t like Endgame that much, Infinity War was so much better

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