
No, he’s been big wasted. I know you don’t particularly care for his character much and that’s okay but I think almost everyone can admit his story has been really hit or miss in the MCU. The first movie set up great stuff, the recast obviously is odd and seeing Ed Norton as him is jarring but it had huge potential. But yet, after that, you didn’t see Betty Ross, Blonsky or even Ross after Banner again. Almost none of Bruce Banner’s side of the MCU was shown again. Obviously that will change with She Hulk but it made Banner’s character arc very lifeless.

Banner was amazing in Avengers 1 and Age Of Ultron imo, the one Avenger that was the loose cannon, always on edge and weary of everything. Joss Whedon, yes, I know, did do Banner right
Taika Waititi obviously is much better but even then, he was really off character in Ragnarok and we all know the situation with IW and Endgame. The Russos screwed Hulk and Banner forever. Overall, Banner has been given the short stick, sadly. I just hope after She Hulk, he gets the justice he deserves. Hopefully, you guys see where I’m coming from, as such a huge Hulk fan.

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I’ll poll something about this when we reach the Top 5 or when I post the wiki for the Star Wars one(please remind me if I forget) to see what everyone thinks. I won’t change it right now as it’d be chaotic. :woozy_face:


:eyes: :eyes:


Well anyway. Groot will be the winner. Not Quicksilver. Or Hulk. Oh and Loki.

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It would be nice if he won to vindicate how bad he was in IW and Endgame…won’t happen though. :confused:

And yes, Loki. There is no “No Loki.”

Finally you have chosen the correct way! :grinning: :smiling_imp:

Not happening. Say it with me. T’Challa, Wanda or Loki for the victory. :grin:


What? I didn’t say that! How did you do that!?

It scares me none of you mention Black Panther or Stan Lee

Black Panther is T’Challa…

Believe me, I want him to win. I’m one of the biggest Black Panther people here. I want him to win to honor Chadwick. He and we all need this. Wakanda Forever. Never forget that. :no_good_man:

I didn’t see your post so I guess I mean just Stan Lee

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Well, Stan too. I would be very happy if he won. He was the heart and soul of Marvel and always will be. Excelsior. :v:

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I would love that he made it. But the chance is very high. So honestly it’s not fair.

As fair as other characters that are more popular beating out characters like Figment/Dreamfinder?

And anyway I said Quicksilver should lose. Not win. Sparky

Just wait he’ll switch it again

He would not do that again to me.

:grinning: :+1:

dOnT bE sO cErTaIn :smiling_imp:

I warned you Ruler Joy

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