
Oh goody that’s one less character.

I survived the fall and the building exploded.

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Ummmmmmm wasn’t I in there?

Yes :smiley: :+1:

No “Oh goody”, he’s great and yall vote him out. Look, he may not be amazing or even that impactful at all but he’s funny and iconic. :triumph:


Groot caught fire and burned, how tragic

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@Snuffleluffagus did you heart that?

Heart what

Because he’s boring and Cliche, he should go.

And forgettable since I forgot why was he evil in the first place.

This right here

I meant to like the other one he posted above

Boring and cliche? He was made to be a meme. There is nothing cliche about that, weeb. :angry:

Rex getting angy

Mesa think you lie

They did Quicksilver dirty in the MCU and Dark Phoenix. He needs this win! Or at least top 5! Wanda, Stan, and BP are good too!

You can think that if you want I’m too tired to care anymore

Another reason to vote the forgettable machine out~

And Loki.

tenor (1)


He’s not forgettable, not as much as Ronan or whoever the villain was in Thor Dark World

We keep him for D+ elimination :grin:

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