
Aww thanks.

Exactly. Lure is just jealous that he’s not as memable as Ultron is. :triumph:

R. I. P.

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Memes doesn’t save a character from being Cliche and Boring. What was his mission again? To eliminate human race for machines or something like that? I forgot.

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How was he cliche though? He was made by Tony and Banner to save the world but the implications of Tony’s mind made him evil and twisted into thinking that human extinction was the key to the world’s problems. That is not cliche at all. Also, he forever haunted Tony for the rest of the MCU. He’s good. :+1:

This. His origins may not be cliche, but his mission is.

Umm that sounds familiar.

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Ultron tried it before Thanos made it cool

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Okay, this is true. Still, his goal is extinction. Thanos’ is balance. Kinda similar but the basis for the idea was different. I get your points though.

Ultron was an AI
 and capable of making his own choices. He chose to do those things on his own.

Not for the rest of it, but a good amount.

Thanos (In my opinion) is wayyyyy superior to Ultron by a large margin. He is memorable, more memeable, his methods were unique and the balance mission isn’t as cliche as human extinction.

Anyways get Ultron out~. Well, Wasp is meh, forgettable as well so I don’t mind the order.

I Hope Ant Man 3 changes this.

hehe see what I did there


And this is why I don’t go to comic con that much.


but his mind was a complex overlay of Tony and Banner. The decisions Tony made most likely influenced Ultron like the weapons dealing and such. However, yes, he did come to his own conclusion. Still, it doesn’t change how Tony felt the blame for his own creation.

Maybe this was a stretch. But the whole thing with Civil War was his guilt for Ultron, leading into vengeance over his parents. That vengeance broke his friendship with Steve that carried into Infinity War and came full circle in Endgame. It was slightly dropped but also cohesive. Anyways, I’ll stop going on about Tony. We all know he’s amazing. :sunglasses:

This is a good pun btw. Wish I could like it. :woozy_face:


Eh, I get your point of Ultron being better than wasp due to your overly long essays about Ultron lol.

Doesn’t save him of being pretty boring tho, but I think its better than Wasp for now.

You just hate being proven wrong or someone having a different opinion that is fair and makes sense.

You should :upside_down_face:

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